6 answers
I am unable to concentrate and i am unable to study . but i want to be succes in my future
I had scored 70percente in my class 10th cbse board exams .I am interested in doing about computers mobiles programing..And i want to do MBBS and to be a IAS officer..#study
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6 answers
Rebecca’s Answer
Do your concentration problem persists since you were small or it has just started recently?
If it is the first case, you may need to inform your parents. They may bring you to some specialists for assistance.
For later case, are you under stress, not enough rest or you are worrying about something? I would suggest you could spare some time to do some exercise during day time and have a good sleep at night. It can help you to improve your concentration.
Regarding your career option, computer programming and MBBS are very different careers. I would recommend you can speak to someone who really work in these industries and understand the daily work of these careers. Also, you can seek guidance from your school career counselor.
Hope this works! Good Luck!
If it is the first case, you may need to inform your parents. They may bring you to some specialists for assistance.
For later case, are you under stress, not enough rest or you are worrying about something? I would suggest you could spare some time to do some exercise during day time and have a good sleep at night. It can help you to improve your concentration.
Regarding your career option, computer programming and MBBS are very different careers. I would recommend you can speak to someone who really work in these industries and understand the daily work of these careers. Also, you can seek guidance from your school career counselor.
Hope this works! Good Luck!
Rosalyn’s Answer
If you are having trouble concentrating and studying, you should talk to your doctor or a therapist. They could help you to find out why you are having this problem. You have big goals for yourself. Find out what is going on so you can keep working toward your goals. Best wishes!
If you are having trouble concentrating and studying, you should talk to your doctor or a therapist. They could help you to find out why you are having this problem. You have big goals for yourself. Find out what is going on so you can keep working toward your goals. Best wishes!
Sara’s Answer
There are loads of youtube videos and online website that deal with finding ways to help people concentrate. I would first off go to a professional to check yourself. If the issue presists, consider doing a trial and error between different types of concentration methods. These may include the following:
-Having concentration music in the background for entertainment while working
-Taking breaks. This is a huge one. A human being can only work for so much during a period of time. Time yourself. Work. Then take a break. Repeat until the work is done. I tend to work for 15-30 mins, and have a 5-10 min break inbetween.
-Work in groups. This one can be tricky. Some people work better when having the pressure of others around. Others do not, and get distracted this way. You need to work on yourself to figure out which one will work best for you.
-Having concentration music in the background for entertainment while working
-Taking breaks. This is a huge one. A human being can only work for so much during a period of time. Time yourself. Work. Then take a break. Repeat until the work is done. I tend to work for 15-30 mins, and have a 5-10 min break inbetween.
-Work in groups. This one can be tricky. Some people work better when having the pressure of others around. Others do not, and get distracted this way. You need to work on yourself to figure out which one will work best for you.
Sheila’s Answer
Hi Samith:
Thanks for sharing your question. Below are a few items to help you get off the ground with your study/focus.
Best of luck to you!
Talk to your Primary Care Physician about difficulty concentrating
Determine what style of learning works for you. . . 8 Learning Styles • https://www.viewsonic.com/library/education/the-8-learning-styles/
Find your passion in what you are truly interested in
Seek out industry professionals in the areas you want to go in
Thanks for sharing your question. Below are a few items to help you get off the ground with your study/focus.
Best of luck to you!
Sheila recommends the following next steps:
Victoria’s Answer
It may be a good idea for you to look into what learning style works best for you if you haven't already. It's possible that you may be able to concentrate and retain the information better if you change the way that you're trying to learn it. Other than that, I've found that breaking up studying and research into smaller chunks of time as opposed to consuming it all in one go can help me to stay focused and retain the material better. It may not be a matter of concentration as much as it is just you hitting a wall with the amount of time you can commit before you lose focus.
🔮 Viktor’s Answer
Lack of concentration might be caused by certain medical conditions (as pointed out in the above answers), yet in my experience and in my youth it was caused by simply being a teenager. So, there's some things you can try to isolate different factors, such as:
- Try to make sure you have all distractions off - mobile, instant chat notifications, TV or anything that will draw your attention of your current task.
- Make everyone aware you're up to something - some of us might multitask and discuss while they study, while others need quiet time to concentrate.
- Don't take too much at one sitting - all topics you described are pretty large, don't try to learn them overnight, Rome wasn't built overnight. Make pauses, take incremental sessions in studying, once you establish a good habit it will get easier.
- You can try things like the pomodoro technique to time box your time and study https://blog.trello.com/how-to-pomodoro-your-way-to-productivity
Last but not least - find your passion - you are interested in things for a reason - may be you are interested in programming because of a game or a favorite app that you are using, try to find out more about it and what skills you need to build your own path to it. Every area has, let's say a bit boring, but fundamental parts, but it also has the exciting shiny part, which can really motivate you. Try to balance both.
- Try to make sure you have all distractions off - mobile, instant chat notifications, TV or anything that will draw your attention of your current task.
- Make everyone aware you're up to something - some of us might multitask and discuss while they study, while others need quiet time to concentrate.
- Don't take too much at one sitting - all topics you described are pretty large, don't try to learn them overnight, Rome wasn't built overnight. Make pauses, take incremental sessions in studying, once you establish a good habit it will get easier.
- You can try things like the pomodoro technique to time box your time and study https://blog.trello.com/how-to-pomodoro-your-way-to-productivity
Last but not least - find your passion - you are interested in things for a reason - may be you are interested in programming because of a game or a favorite app that you are using, try to find out more about it and what skills you need to build your own path to it. Every area has, let's say a bit boring, but fundamental parts, but it also has the exciting shiny part, which can really motivate you. Try to balance both.