2 answers
what college should I go to that is best for students that are studying infectious diseases or psychology?
I am a student that wants to become a doctor the specializes in psychology or infectious d #psychology diseases. #college
2 answers
nancy’s Answer
The true answer is, there are too many to list. There is no "best" college, because many other factors play into whether it is actually a good school. However, I believe looking for schools that are staffed with professors who have contributed tremendously to the field of psych and or infectious diseases would be a good place to start. Additionally, in regards to infectious diseases, do some more research on what schools allow their students to participate in hands on lab activities. Some schools have INSANE laboratories. Check them out. Hope this helps!
Kevin’s Answer
You might also consider working backwards by identifying places you would like to work, the scientists who work there and their educational background, and what institutions the location may partner with.
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