will i need a permit if i was to decide to do a little street art
if i was a street artist would i need a permit.....if so, can anybody tell me how do i get one
3 answers
Azaelia’s Answer
Yes. You may need a permit from local authorities which should be available at your local precinct during business hours.

Marilyn Balke-Lowry
Marilyn’s Answer
Yes, you will need permission, and I hope you can make it happen! Thanks for going about it the correct way.
Marilyn Lowry
Ellen’s Answer
Good question to ask before you start, because putting artwork, no matter how "little" or good, without permission could land you in trouble. This is true if it is on private property or public property.
If you want to put your art on a building or site or street or park or...that is privately owned, you would have to get the owner's permission.
If you want to put art on a public building or site, or street or park..., you will have to contact the local authorities to get a permit of some sort. Each city or town is slightly different. I would check the website of your local city hall or local government entity and start there. (If you are unsure if you have a city hall or government office nearby, talk to your parents or someone at your school's main office.) Usually there is a number or email for general information on a city hall website; I would go with the phone number; they should tell you quickly which department you need to contact. Be patient, getting a permit may take time, but well worth the wait.
BTW,hHave you told your art teacher about your public art plans? He or she might know the answers to all of this already!
Best wishes.
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