Ellen Rosenthal

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What's the biggest issue with getting in?
What's the biggest reason someone might not get in to art schools?

How to figure out what I want to do?
I want to work in the arts field. I am just struggling on what to focus in on. I have theatrical and singing training, but I have a huge passion for fine art too. I want to pursue both but I’m not sure how to balance it.

How do you stay financially stable with a career in the arts?
I am a sophmore in highschool beginning to prepare for my future. I am really creative and want to expirience new things everyday. I am very invested in the arts and would like to stay involved in them in some way. I fear that being involved will cause me to struggle in the future. Here I am...

How did you continue to pursue such a difficult career with everyone telling you to “have a realistic plan”?
I’m still a freshman in high school but acting is my passion and I’ve never been more sure of wanting to do something for the rest of my life so I just want to know. It might be worth noting that I’m also good at script writing which is the career my parents are trying to nudge me more towards...

How to become successful artist?
Can you become a millionaire artist? I mean like how do you do it if you were to? Do you enjoy your job? Should I start a business after collage or before collage?

what dose it mean to inspire in the work industry?
well i always wanted to be an Artist i think art is pretty cool so my question relate's to that

what tips would you recommend to star drawing? how can i discover my own style? why shouldn't i give up yet?
idk i prob will stop drawing since i'm not improving

Where should I start if I want to earn money by selling my art?
I'm a 19 year old high school graduate, I love to create art, I'm a self taught artist. I'm saving up money to be able to pay for college, but what I earn is not enough. I want to sell my art but don't know where to start.

I have to take fine arts at my school, but which should I choose if I want to be a doctor? Does it matter at all?
My school has a fine arts requirement to graduate. I would like to become a doctor and am not very interested in art. What genre of classes are best for my situation? My school offers choir, band, orchestra, theatre arts, visual arts, dance, technical theatre, and art history at various levels...

How can I approve on my art?
I want to get better at art but I'm stuck. Help?

How would I go about starting a business where I sell my art?
I'm 16 and want to sell my art but idk where to start. Do I need a lot of money to start?

What type of Collage should i go to if i want to major in graphic arts?
I want to major in graphic arts but idk what to do

What are good options for people who want to teach but don't really like the school environment that much?
I have an interest in various different arts and music fields but not really science an math.