Career questions tagged art-history

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Lily928 views

I have to take fine arts at my school, but which should I choose if I want to be a doctor? Does it matter at all?

My school has a fine arts requirement to graduate. I would like to become a doctor and am not very interested in art. What genre of classes are best for my situation? My school offers choir, band, orchestra, theatre arts, visual arts, dance, technical theatre, and art history at various levels and subgenres. Does it even matter that much and should I choose any of them? This is high school, by the way!

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Kalea Jafer1134 views

What are some jobs that are both film and history related?

What could I do tho get such a job?

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Norah864 views

How competitive is the museum curator career field?

Is finding a job as a museum curator difficult because of the competitive career field? Is the job search difficult? Is the job search worth it? #job-search #curator #museum #museums #art #fine-arts #art-history

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Chris721 views

Advice/tips for gap year students?

Hey, I'm an incoming freshman electing to take a gap year due to various concerns. Just curious if there's anything people would recommend -- not only prepare for a successful college career but also as a person in the long run. I'm currently interning in the curitorial department at a museum (since I'm interested in art history) and may tutor some U.S. History if possible. I'm just worried that I won't be able to write frequently and precisely during my gap year as if I were in an academic setting(English is not my native language, but I went to a U.S. boarding school & college). Thank you so much in advance for your kindness :)) #gap-year #art-history

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Tanya773 views

How easy would it be to be hired at an art auction house/art gallery without Art/Art History as a major?

I intend to study Political Science and minor in Art History, but I have heard that many people within the art world are majors in art/visual art/art history. I wanted to deal with the business side of art, but wasn't sure if my minor would be acceptable to the likes of Sotheby's, Christie's, etc. #art #art-history #galleries #careers #business

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josee1025 views

What's the best way to gain art history experience?

I am an art history major and I am struggling to get a job in any museum or galleries. How do I gain real life art history experience? #art #art-history #history

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megan1150 views

I am thinking about double majoring in nonprofit organizations and art history. Is this a good idea?

In the future I would like to eventually work in a museum and or gallery. I would preferably like to work my way up to becoming in charge of a museum or something of that nature. I know most museums now a days are nonprofit so would teaming up majors be a smart decision? All I am for sure of right now is that I would really like to work with in the art world. #college #college-major #art #nonprofits #museums #art-history #galleries

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