Career questions tagged museum

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Rebekah474 views

What types of archaeological jobs are there and what basic schooling would you need?

I have been interested in archeology for some time. Especially ancient Egypt and was curious what it would be like to pursue it farther

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Kalea Jafer350 views

where to go to college for an archival job?

Any special programs or good schools?

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Norah865 views

How competitive is the museum curator career field?

Is finding a job as a museum curator difficult because of the competitive career field? Is the job search difficult? Is the job search worth it? #job-search #curator #museum #museums #art #fine-arts #art-history

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Norah958 views

Are the sallary and benefits that musem curators typically get worth it?

I'm doing a project on museum curators and want to know about the typical salary of the career. Is the average salary worth it? Are there usually good benefits for this career, are they worth it? #career #curator #museum #art #salary #fine-art

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Norah804 views

What does a day in the life of a Museum Curator look like?

I'm writing a blog for class about working as a Museum Curator. #history #anthropology #museum #art #work #blog #curator

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Rachel682 views

Would it be best to focus on an area of American history to be able to get a job at a museum or historic site in the US, or can I still study other areas of history, such as ancient civilizations or the Renaissance in Europe?

I really enjoy learning about ancient and European history more, but I figure that if I am looking for a job in the US at a historic site or museum, I would need more of an American history background. I don't know what kind of jobs would be available to someone with a focus on ancient civilizations or Renaissance. #history #museum #ancient #renaissance

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Sheyenne1857 views

How do you start a modern art gallery?

I am interested in owning an art gallery. What steps can I take to achieve this? #art #museum #gallery

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Shalaundye924 views

Is History a good major to have if you want to work in the Smithsonian Museum?

I really want to work in the Smithsonian Museum, so I switched my major from Social Studies Education to History. Was that a good choice? #college #history #museum #smithsonian

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Hailey1180 views

What is it like to work for the Smithsonian Museum?

I am asking, because I want to know more about the different tasks that are done by museum staff. #history #museum #smithsonian

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Drayke997 views

How difficult is it to obtain a professional job in museum work?

I am studying history and following college would like to pursue a career in museum studies, such as a museum curator, and am curious to the competitive level as well as job availability. #history #museum

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