What are some job possibilities for a Biotechnology major?
Biotechnology is the exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.
So creating new drugs and testing them for results of the strategic genetic changes?
Which companies are the leading companies in the field? #biology #biotechnology #biotech #biological-technician
3 answers
Amit ’s Answer
The possibilities are virtually endless. There are several tracks one could choose from:
- Medical devices
- Pharmaceuticals
- Fermentation
- Food technology
- Genetics
- Biomaterials
- Tissue engineering
The list goes on and on....
Are you able to zero in on a few of these? If so, we can discuss further on that.
Angela’s Answer
The two main markets in the Biotech industry are medical and agricultural.
A variety of jobs for science majors are offered in this industry some of which include engineers (very often PhDs) who research and develop new products, formulators (medical technologists, chemists, biologists) who manufacture the product, quality control technologists (medical technologists, chemists, biologists, clinical lab scientists) who typically do the testing, and quality assurance employees who monitor policies, procedures and regulations (FDA,ISO) to insure a quality product. Technical service representatives (who have a high level understanding of the product line) are also needed as they typically respond to solve customer's questions and problems.

Stephanie Murnen
Stephanie’s Answer
- Biomedical Engineer
- Biomedical Engineer
- Agricultural Engineer
- Microbiologist
- Epidemiologist
- Soil and Plant Scientist
- Food Scientist and Technologist
- Animal Scientist