do you have to have all A in high school to go to College
i want to go to College #higher-education
4 answers
James’s Answer
No, You do not need to get all A's to apply for college. It would help tremendously, but you do not have to be a straight A student to apply to colleges. My average GPA in high school was a 3.3 GPA, I got several C's and even a D once when I was in school, but that did not stop me. I knew that I was not perfect, but the most important thing is to always try because you are never going to know if you don't try. I applied to about 12 schools with my GPA and I got into 9 out of the 12, so never be afraid to try.
Adam’s Answer
You can get into a good college without a perfect 4.0 GPA. However, more selective schools will require a higher GPA for admittance. Most schools you apply to will publish the average GPA of their incoming freshman class. You can look to the NCES IPEDS database to find out more about schools you are interested in applying to.
Personally, I did not get a 4.0 in high school, but got into a good state university. If you do well on standardized tests it will help (SAT/ACT). Once at university, my GPA actually went up to around a 3.75! I found college courses to be more engaging, which made me want to dig in deep. Plus, it helps when you can schedule classes later in the day (I was a night owl and hated the early starts at high school).
Best of luck!

Wendy Walls-Vance
Wendy’s Answer
No you do not need to get all A's in high school to get into college. All colleges have different admission requirements. There are many colleges that will accept students with B or C grades. Try your best and work hard in high school to get the highest grades that you can for your effort. You can always go to a community college if your grades are very low. You can work hard there and transfer to a 4 year school after a year or two of demonstrating you can excell at college level work.

Jaime Villanueva
Jaime’s Answer
Depends on your career path but more importantly are you in the right state of mind? You need to start thinking like a college student and acting like one as well. In my experience at the university level, I have witness quality students fail at college because they wanted to act and have the same study habits like a high school student. Huge mistake! By the time the student wants to make a difference in their GPA, it is so low that students have a hard time finding an entry level job much less entry to graduate school. By the way, you also need to think about graduate school, and GPA plays a big roll in being accepted. The right attitude towards college is much more important than GPA in my opinion.