How can I become a writer with out being afraid?
I am currently a sophomore in high school and I wanna publish a manuscript but I am afraid of what will happen Can you guys give me any advice? #writing #author #books
7 answers
Robert T’s Answer
You should get "The elements of Style" by William Strunk Jr and E.B White. I think you should just go for it. Try to learn from criticism like, what is construction criticism and what is criticism just trying to break you down. You'll get there.
Good Luck.
David’s Answer
Nothing will happen if you do not submit your manuscript and you will be safe. Safe is boring. Submit it and when it comes back find out why, rewrite, amend and fix. Resubmit. Repeat as needed.
Writers get rejected. A lot.
Andra’s Answer
The only way to truly know the future is to live it, and I highly suggest going through with publishing to the best of your abilities.
Worst case scenario is you learn along the way, and write an even better piece that will flourish. You can only reach your destination by moving there, and you need to take the steps forward in order to see the outcomes here.
I highly suggest moving forward with submitting your works, and continuing to write what you are passionate about until you see success.
Bobby’s Answer
You're gonna get your teeth kicked in a few times. That's just the business. You gotta get tough. To become a professional, you've gotta get a thick skin and be ultra-dedicated.
Write and read every day. That's most of the battle.
Mario D.’s Answer
Simeon’s Answer
Laura’s Answer
Part of being an artist is pushing past that fear. If you are making work that you find meaningful and put your heart into it, that will never completely go away. But it's that type of sharing that is what makes writing/art so powerful. If you aren't a little afraid, you probably aren't pushing hard enough.
Good luck, and try to embrace the fear. It's okay for people to not like your work. Try to be open to criticism. It is a lot more informative for your own growth than if people just tell you there's nothing to improve or change.