6 answers
How can i concentrate on my studies?
I did not study at all in 11th and 12th. I have my medical entrance exam within next few months. I am unable to focus on my studies and concentrate on it. Plz help me. How can i concentrate on my studies?
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6 answers
Megha’s Answer
Hello Srushti,
I would suggest first trying to understand the syllabus for the entrance exam properly. NEET includes classes 11 and 12 NCERT Course. So, it's better to include NCERT in your preparation and all the reference material.
Planning your study time every week in advance is a good strategy. Make a timetable. Adhere to it.
Eliminate distractions during study time, i.e. no cell phones & social media
Solving the previous year’s question paper can be very helpful as it hardly changes every year. Collect the question papers from the past three to four years and try to solve them in a given time
Focus more on clearing your fundamentals. Clear your concepts, only then move to the depths of a particular topic. Read blogs/articles/papers/books by famous doctors. If nothing else, it will tell you a little about what these people have done, what drives them and why they like what they do.
And most importantly, do not put yourself under immense pressure. Take time out for yourself. Do something you love, develop a hobby and have fun while preparing
I would suggest first trying to understand the syllabus for the entrance exam properly. NEET includes classes 11 and 12 NCERT Course. So, it's better to include NCERT in your preparation and all the reference material.
Megha recommends the following next steps:
Kamakshi’s Answer
You can try making a detailed schedule for the next few weeks. It will be difficult to stick to it for a day or two but once you push through that phase, schedule can be a really helpful tool to help concentrate.
You can set up small targets for yourself and even rewards on achieving those targets.
Studying in groups with other people who are focused has also proven to be a good way to focus.
Make a schedule for the coming week
Keep small targets/goals for each day
Try to find people to study with
You can set up small targets for yourself and even rewards on achieving those targets.
Studying in groups with other people who are focused has also proven to be a good way to focus.
Kamakshi recommends the following next steps:
Jason’s Answer
There are a lot of great and very specific techniques in this thread. I was similar in school and it did not effect me until I was into graduate school. The best advice I can give you is to take your own, what worked for you in the past? Not just about school- how did you learn about what you are passionate about? Whatever motivates you that got you into these areas, ask yourself what was it that made you retain this information so easily you could get this far.
Try to use what worked for you in the past and really think about what it was you did. I would re-read chapters and then re-write them in my own words, even using slang and metaphorical language that was vivid enough that it allowed me to remember. Google the method of Loci as well.
Try to use what worked for you in the past and really think about what it was you did. I would re-read chapters and then re-write them in my own words, even using slang and metaphorical language that was vivid enough that it allowed me to remember. Google the method of Loci as well.
Padmapriya’s Answer
Hi Srushti,
First make a plan. Create a relaxed study environment. Take regular breaks.
Don't get distracted by social media.
Drink plenty of water and eat well.
Reward yourself.
I would also suggest to make use of the Pomodoro technique,
Decide what you want to accomplish and estimate how long you will study for. Then break your work into pomodoros.
Set a timer for 25 minutes, and start studying.
Minimize your distractions during the pomodoro interval.
After 25 minutes take a short 5-10 minute break.
Hope this helps.
All the best!!
First make a plan. Create a relaxed study environment. Take regular breaks.
Don't get distracted by social media.
Drink plenty of water and eat well.
Reward yourself.
I would also suggest to make use of the Pomodoro technique,
Decide what you want to accomplish and estimate how long you will study for. Then break your work into pomodoros.
Set a timer for 25 minutes, and start studying.
Minimize your distractions during the pomodoro interval.
After 25 minutes take a short 5-10 minute break.
Hope this helps.
All the best!!
Paloma’s Answer
My advice is to create a week schedule and block on it the time you will spend on studying, eating, and your breaks (including some spear time). Try to prioritize the topics of the exam will be more important and allocate more time on this on your schedule. Once you have your study plan, dedicate an specific space (distractions free) and follow it. Additionally, if you're having trouble w/focus you might want to try the Pomodoro technique (it has helped me when I need to be 100% on what I was doing), in your case, you will study for 20 mins and then have a 5 mins break for n number of times, there are plenty of apps but I use "focus keeper" and this will help me on timing all day.
Nishima’s Answer
Sometimes, studying all by yourself can be a bit over-whelming and de-motivating. You can also try going for some crash course which can help you in utilizing this short duration of time before entrance test well.
I'll also recommend to go for some reputed test series for this exam. Many a times, simulating the original test environment and getting exposed to exam-level questions , help candidates in targeted learning to ace the exam.
I'll also recommend to go for some reputed test series for this exam. Many a times, simulating the original test environment and getting exposed to exam-level questions , help candidates in targeted learning to ace the exam.