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Architecture or Interior Design (or Carpentry)?

i'm not much of an art person but i know that i want to see myself in the future building furniture like sawing and hammering and such. The problem is, i don't know if i have what it takes to design them. My plan is to have architecture as my priority program and my alternative is the interior design since I only want to be involved in the woodworking process.

But seriously, i need help. I don't know programs that much that can really suit my tastes. (Is there even a furniture carpentry in college?)

#architecture #interior-design #carpentry #furniture

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5 answers

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Jacquelyn’s Answer

Hi. My nephew graduated with a degree in architecture fromt he University of Texas. He is currently working for a furniture maker, desiging furniture as well as art sculptures for office buildings (to be displayed intheir lobbies). Architecture is a very specialized discipline, but it does give you the opportunity to branch out into design as well.

It is important to get a degree ins omething that you are interested in, but don't let your degree limit you in what you can do and or become. It is only one step in life to open doors for you. What you choose to do after that is dependent on you and your passion.
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Charlie’s Answer

I would agree with an earlier answer, take your time before deciding and get some practical experience in woodworking either designing or building. Do some volunteering locally and get some experience to see how you like the manual work.
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Souxsie’s Answer

Hi Sammy,

I agree that having a design foundation is helpful, whether you attend a 5 year architecture program or
become an apprentice to a master carpenter. I earned a masters from RISD in architecture, practiced a few
years then followed my passion and traded drafting for graphic design. Today I use both my 2D and 3D design skills to create environmental experiences at PwC. With a sound foundation, your career path can splinter and grow organically based on your passion and the experiences you harness. If furniture making is your passion, perhaps you could look into Industrial Design or Furniture Design programs. Hope this helps. Best of luck
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crystal’s Answer

I would start by looking for people in your community that are already in this industry as well as anyone who works with those in the industry to possibly introduce you. I would look for someone to apprentice with and those that have been in that field will be able to give you the best advice and the do's and do not's to help you get to where you need to be and hopefully with the best people to help train and teach you the trade. Always be willing to learn from all those you meet even if they do not have the profession that you are hoping to obtain. Everyone out there has a lesson or help to offer, and its free if you just stop and show appreciation for their time and willingness to pass their experience and wisdom down to you! I hope you are able to achieve your goals that you have set! it is great to have dreams and make them big!!!
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Naomi María’s Answer

Hello Sammi!

Besides architecture or interior design programs, you can start looking for universities or colleges with a fine arts school that has a concentration or degree in furniture design. If furniture design is your primary goal, that might be the most logical way to go since you get to build furniture in your program and sell it along the way! Some art schools may lump furniture design into an industrial design program, so you will need to do a little digging online.

Architecture will not necessarily be the best place to learn carpentry. You may have the opportunity to build furniture as part of your early projects. but it depends on the program. You could also look into engineering program. Like architects, they are trained to design buildings, but bridges, tunnels, and other structures as well. The focus is structural integrity rather than aesthetics like in architecture. So if you are less artistically inclined, engineering may be for you.

Interior design programs will be far more likely to involve custom furniture building, but again look into programs carefully and see if they focus on your interests. Some interior design programs will get more into remodeling buildings on a structural level like building new walls or knocking them down to make a room bigger.

Another area of study is construction management. This would be supervising construction projects. You would get to learn about how to read blueprints, how things are constructed, working with construction crews, engineers, and architects. This wouldn't be an education in designing things, but actually training you to be the person that gets the building completed.

But if you really want to get your hands dirty in building to figure out if that's what you really like, try to find an apprenticeship program in carpentry where you can talk to real professionals and get advice. They may even have introductory programs where you can observe and help on the job to see if that is what you like. You can also look into volunteering with a non-profit organization that specializes in building houses for people in need. I know Habitat for Humanity has chapters in the Philippines, but I'm sure there are other local organizations that may be through local churches.

I hope that helps! Good luck in figuring things out!