3 answers
What might be the best way to start me off into getting ready to be an electrician?
I am looking for ways to get a little boost of what classes i might need to take in college / high school to prepare
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3 answers
Joshua’s Answer
To answer you questions on classes: physics and math. Algebra is an integral part of electrical work.
Gabrielle’s Answer
Hey Timothy, an Electrician is a great field to work in , What I would suggest is to check and see if your school offer any Hybrid Technology education programs that you can enroll in to see if this is a field for you and sometimes these programs can provide college credits that you can transfer to your future college.
Don’s Answer
The best way to prepare for being an electrician is getting relationships with companies and people that will hire you. In the electrical field you need to become an apprentice and work under a journeyman electrician, who will train you in the profession. So that is the big key! Start learning about electrical companies and what work they typically do. There are so many different options, so ask lots of questions and get their ideas on best way to get into the field. They are almost always looking for new apprentices, so get on their radar, as you need a employer/sponsor to get licensed to work in most states.
There are both union and non union companies in most states. I have worked for both, starting non union and then joining the union. I enjoyed my experience working for both for different reasons.
There are both union and non union companies in most states. I have worked for both, starting non union and then joining the union. I enjoyed my experience working for both for different reasons.