4 answers
How can you find out what your "perfect" career is?
I am struggling with finding out what I should pursue as a career. #career-choice
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4 answers

Marilyn Balke-Lowry
Artist/Owner at Imaginart; Director of College Guidance Consultants, creators of E-Scholarships USA!
Humble, Texas
Marilyn’s Answer
Look at your present interests and favorite courses in school. If possible, take an interest inventory thru your school or find one in the library or online. That should help you focus a bit. After that, you just have to make a decision about a college major, which may change. The previous reply was very accurate, as a career is a journey. Very few people stay with the same career throughout their lifetime. You will be constantly making choices, but make sure they are for the correct reasons. Where is your heart? Best of luck.
Marilyn Balke-Lowry
Marilyn Balke-Lowry

Robin Sparks, PCC
US Leadership Coaching Center of Excellence Senior Manager at PwC
McLean, Virginia
Robin’s Answer
Hi, Lizthebett - this is a great question, and you have received some sound advice here already. I would add that the Strong Inventory is a career assessment that can be helpful when you aren't sure which fields match your interests and talents. Most career counselors/career centers at college campuses can help you to take it. It all starts with the reflection you are already doing, though. Being clear about what engages you (at least right now) goes a long way toward designing a career path that will be a great fit for you. Good luck!
Wayne’s Answer
This is a very good question and indicates you are looking at and planning for the future. The simple answer to your question is that there is no right answer for everyone. Your career is a journey. It has the tendency to twist and turn at unexpected times. The key is identifying what you are passionate about and sticking with it until you become passionate about something else. When that happens, don't be afraid to change.
When deciding on a career, look at your strengths and passions. For example, do you prefer working with people or animals? Do you enjoy working with numbers or ideas? Do you prefer travel or staying local? Etc.
There are several tools available to help determine your personality type and help you with basic directional guidance. Your school councilor should have access to many of those. I also recommend getting the book from Amazon (or other source) titled "Strengths Finder 2.0". It introduces an online test that you would take and then it explains the results, giving ideas on what your strengths are. With this information and the results of your previous list of what you are interested or passionate about, you can get an idea of where to start.
Once you begin the process however, remember that things change. What you are passionate about today may not be what you become passionate about tomorrow so be willing to continue to learn and grow with time and experience and you will have a very fulfilling career. Good Luck!
When deciding on a career, look at your strengths and passions. For example, do you prefer working with people or animals? Do you enjoy working with numbers or ideas? Do you prefer travel or staying local? Etc.
There are several tools available to help determine your personality type and help you with basic directional guidance. Your school councilor should have access to many of those. I also recommend getting the book from Amazon (or other source) titled "Strengths Finder 2.0". It introduces an online test that you would take and then it explains the results, giving ideas on what your strengths are. With this information and the results of your previous list of what you are interested or passionate about, you can get an idea of where to start.
Once you begin the process however, remember that things change. What you are passionate about today may not be what you become passionate about tomorrow so be willing to continue to learn and grow with time and experience and you will have a very fulfilling career. Good Luck!
Kim’s Answer
You have been given some excellent advice from experienced professionals to help guide your career selection process. Once you have some ideas or areas that interest you, consider summer intern opportunities to experience the requirements and environment firsthand. That experience may help to solidify or change your direction.