1 answer
How hard is the work being an aircraft mechanic?
I'm in 11th grade and plan on going into a two year, paid apprenticeship to get my a & p
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1 answer
Craig’s Answer
Hello Melody,
This is an excellent question, and it's best addressed by individuals who have been working as aircraft mechanics for some time. I've included a few helpful suggestions to assist you in moving forward.
Find businesses that employ aircraft mechanics,
Choose a small business, maybe at a local small airport, and a big businesses, like Boeing, to get the different experience types.
Contact the business explaining you want some career advice and ask them to connect you with an aircraft mechanic.
When you get to write or speak with them ask why they chose the job and what they like and do not like about it.
Ask their opinion about the most important skills and aptitude they think is needed to do the job well.
This is an excellent question, and it's best addressed by individuals who have been working as aircraft mechanics for some time. I've included a few helpful suggestions to assist you in moving forward.
Craig recommends the following next steps: