5 answers
5 answers
Sherry’s Answer
It's always good to keep an open mind. Having the attitude of "it won't hurt to try it once" would really help. I thought I would hate public speaking but it turns out when I'm really prepared and know what I will talk about it's not as intimidating. It's also very difficult to know what it actually will be like without trying out yourself.
Gaurav’s Answer
Often, we don't know if we like something until we try it or find ourselves in a situation we usually avoid. For instance, when I began studying engineering, I wasn't fond of coding and struggled to understand algorithms and reading books on the subject. However, when I was placed in a situation where I had to learn it, I discovered that I enjoyed it. Now, I have been working in the software development industry for the past decade.
Gianni’s Answer
For me, it was all about golfing and reading! I used to think these were the most tedious activities anyone could engage in. But, when you pick a book that truly resonates with you, the reading journey becomes so much more enjoyable. The key to discovering activities you might enjoy is to approach everything with an open mind. Make sure not to shut yourself off, as you might just miss out on something you'll absolutely love!
Ben’s Answer
Trying something the first time is uncomfortable! Going in with the mindset that with practice and effort, often things get easier as you build up experience and understanding - whether it be a school, activities, etc. Being open to trying new things can open doors you maybe never thought existed. For me, it was running - didn't care for it starting off but over time it led to me trying other sports and meeting great people along the way.
Frank’s Answer
For me it was Martial Arts, it was hard, frustrating and I wanted to quit. But a key lesson I learned is that the best things in life do not come easy. I decided to give it another shot, and I am glad that I did. Life will throw curveballs, but we are all strong enough to push through. Also, I am in data analytics and had a lot of trouble when I started and felt like quitting but like martial arts, I kept going and asked questions from those in the same field and I ended up learning quite a bit and enjoy it very much.
Best of luck!
Best of luck!
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