Which is the Biggest Recruiter job in government job sector?
which is the best government sector job for a graduate candidate. #india #government #government-administration
14 answers

Satyesh Anand
Satyesh’s Answer
Tina’s Answer
farkhaleeth’s Answer
Indian railways, Civil service (https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3472631), Nationalised banks , Charted accounting, etc
tapas’s Answer
It would be very difficult to list down the top among these.
List of top 5 government jobs
1) Civil Services
2) SSC
2) State Public Service Commission
3)Public Sector Undertaking
4)Air force
5) Railway Job
Karthik’s Answer
You can find the list below
Lori’s Answer
I'm sure you've heard this before, but "it depends." In many cities and states, the government is the largest employer - whether it's hiring teachers (who often work for the city or county), health care professionals (that might work for Veterans Affairs) or Cyber Security professionals (at all levels of government.) If you want to look for a job in government, what you might want to do, is to consider what you like to do, and what feeds your passion - and find out if there are jobs in the government around that area. I'm a technology geek and an elected official, and I enjoy the connection between technology and public good.
You can see what kind of jobs are out there by going to: https://www.governmentjobs.com
Hope that helps!
Chiranjit’s Answer
Praveen’s Answer
In India, Railways is the largest employer. Pls refer to the following link to find the largest employers of India
Harish’s Answer
1) Indian Railways which is the Central Government who is managing it across India and you will be receiving lots of advertisements in the website and newspaper about the requirement - https://www.irctc.com/new-openings.html
2) Govertment Banks - Both Clerical and Probationary officer(PO) where there are exams IBPS which is an exam for both Clerical and PO which is recognized by most of the governemnt banks. But for SBI alone there is a seperate exam SBI conducts which you will have to clear. Clearical exam is a bit easy when compared to the PO as there are more openings.
3) You can try UPSC exam and when you prepare for that you will be able to give Group 2,3 and 4 which will have lots of opportunities in the respective state government. - https://www.ibtindia.com/ibps-po-exam-2020
4) Government teacher is also a good opportunity if you are interested in teaching.
Shubham’s Answer
For your second question - best would mean different things for different people. I will share my opinions :
1. Civil Services
The respect and prestige, which comes with the services like IAS, IPS, IFS are unmatched. They have a lot of influence in all the major decisions taken by the Indian government. This requires extensive preparation as the exam is one of the toughest in the country.
2. Government Lecturer/ University Professors
If you like teaching then becoming a government university lecturer is also a good option. You would be at the forefront of inspiring the young generation of the nation.
3. Government doctors
Government doctors in institutions like AIIMS and other government hospitals are highly respectable and also gets lot of benefits. You are given a genuine opportunity to serve the poor.
4. Defence services- Army, Navy, Coastal guard
If you are Physically capable, this job provides a candidate with the opportunity to enter into the Indian Army, Navy and such defence institutions.
Shubham recommends the following next steps:
Vinodkumar’s Answer
Indian Railways is by far the biggest government recruiter in India. If you are planning to prepare for the railway exams you can get couples of articles on the internet for the method to prepare efficiently.
Hope this is helpful!
Reshma’s Answer
Indian railways is one of the biggest recruiter in government job sector in India .
Answering "which is the best government sector job for a graduate candidate.India"
Based on your qualification shortlist the jobs you are eligible for .Some of the ones are
Civil service -IAS,IPS,etc -This require extensive preparation .
Banking jobs-Separate tests are conducted for clerical posts as well as Bank PO that in a couple of promotions goes upto bank manager.
Techincal posts -These may be posts in Indian railways ,ONGC,ISRO ,DRDO ,BSNL ,etc.Either separate tests or a standard GATE exam or IES exam (Indian engineering service).Posts may include scientist,Assistant engineer, overseer, etc
Clerical posts-Both central and state government conduct tests to fill in clerical posts .
Teaching positions in various schools and colleges -Separate exams announced from time to time by both state and central government
Police -Constable,SI ,etc
Jobs in Airways -Pilot,Airhostess,etc in Air india airlines-government owned
Ishant’s Answer
Kunwar’s Answer
There isn't any best government job as such, as long as you like the work you are doing you will find it enjoyable. So you might want to pursue your interests and explore. There are various prestigious government jobs in various departments like BARC, ISRO, Indian Railways etc. every year but again Indian Railways in terms of vacancies is by far the biggest recruiter.
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