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I am moving back to India ? How do I cope up with this new environment

I am moving back to India ? How do I cope up with this new environment #moving #India #career

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23 answers

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Jasanpreet Kaur’s Answer

Hi Siva,

You can use following things in order to make it as ease:

  1. Try to approach Indian recruiters from consultancy and Managers from the direct company.
  2. Research on the salary pay offered for the profile you are seeking for.
  3. Startups are good options to start with.
  4. Upload your resume/cv on job portals such as Naukri, Monster, Angelist and Shine. Regularly open them in order to boost your profile for its visibility.
  5. Last, dont loose hope. Keep trying!

I hope it helps.

Let me know if you want to ask anything further.

All the best!


career careerinindia india moving

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Farzana’s Answer

First of all There is nothing like to cope up. Be yourself. you will have lot of things to learn and enjoy the learning.

The thing is, Indians think that the West have a very bad sense of values. That is not true. India would encourage discipline and punctuality. They encourage you to be creative, to think out of the box. Society is free. Free thinking is encouraged.

The culture that you see is nothing like Indian culture you are free to have your opinion. Society will have something to say, regardless of what you do. Free thinking is not encouraged. Hypocrisy is rife.
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Great to know that you want to move back to India. There are a lot of people wanting to come back now since there are a lot of opportunities from career perspective.

Some of the things to note:

Its probably easier to settle in a bigger city like Bangalore/Hyderabad as job opportunities are more there. It will also be easier to adjust the lifestyle.

India is basically a young country so there are a lot of young people who will be looking for a similar job .Hence you have to be ready for the competition. So it better to have some unique skillset which will make you standout in a crowd.

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Mohammed’s Answer

Great to know that you're moving back to India, when a lot of people are moving out.

First thing as few had already suggested here, if this is still being planned, think through the decision on what are the pros and cons. Some things just work better there, and some things work better here.

Once you have finalized on the decision, it would always be better to try moving into the job you're looking for, before the relocation. This should spare you of the job hunt phase. Also as there a lot of opportunities out here, hopefully you should be able to move into a new role which you had been eyeing for a long time.

Best of luck!
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Jyoti’s Answer

Good to hear that you are moving back!! As you are already from here, it should not be a problem to adjust to the weather, culture and other routine, thought it might take a little time to adopt to the change.

Jyoti recommends the following next steps:

There are a lot of job opportunities available. You can take help from your friends/known people for the referrals and also can upload the resume in job portals like Naukri, Monster, timesjob etc. All the best!!
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Mounika’s Answer

Hello Siva. Just make sure you have an updated LinkedIn profile and ask your friends to refer to you. Focus more on the kind of work you would be doing other than factors like package, company's brand, etc.
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Sachin’s Answer

Hi Siva , I think first see your existing skill-sets. Check on LinkedIn for the people matching to your skills. Try to get connect with them my introducing yourself . Discuss your intention and see if you can get help from them . Try to increase your network on professional network .

Check for the job market for yours current skills . If need some additional certification to get more opportunities then go for it . As mentioned in earlier comments , upload your CVs to job portal .

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tapas’s Answer

Hi Sivakumar,

The major attributes to be considered When coming to India:

Climate - India is home to an Extraordinary variety of Climatic regions ranging from Tropical in the South to temperate and Alpine in the North. The Nation's climate is strongly influenced by the Himalayas and the Thar Desert.

Food- We have exotic ingredients and unfamiliar dishes. There are a basic 20 to 30 spices used in dishes and they have a reason for being there, they have health benefits, make food more exciting. It's completely up to chef in charge.
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Mohamed’s Answer

Welcome to India. I would strongly suggest to start looking for Job opportunities in India before you land here. Build your profile in linkedin and connect with recruiters.

It is also purely based on what is your interest and expertise, check where you are finding it easy before you plan your travel. But yes, you will definitely find a job in India as there are many job opening, but how much it will be suitable for you in terms of benefits and perks compared to where you live now is something you should think of.

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Basavaprabhu’s Answer

If you are born and raised in India, you will find it easy to cope up. Else it takes some time to adjust.
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Praveen’s Answer

First off, think through your decision. Make a pros and cons list. Be ready for a change. There are certain things that you get used to in United States, but once back in India you may frustrate yourself if you expect the same here as well.

Most importantly, give yourself time to adjust to the change. With Digitization, there are lots of stuff that can be done online and through mobile.

Thank you comment icon Great point. Mohammed Nazeeh
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kamal’s Answer

There is nothing like to cope up. We have alot of opportunities here as well in India.

You will feel much better here.

kamal recommends the following next steps:

Apply on
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Sachin’s Answer

As someone already mention, Initially it would be better to stay in a metropolitan city so that you don't feel much difference,.

I understand you are from India and based on your native you choose which city is near to your native place and start exploring the career opportunity in that city,

If you are specifically looking for job, before your travel, I would suggest start speaking to you colleagues, and check with them for any opportunity. that is fastest way to get hire or get a recommend job offer.

once you are subject matter expert It's very easy to get a job offer in India,

additionally you can upload you latest C.V on Naukari and LinkedIn.

Sachin recommends the following next steps:

addtionally you can upload you latest C.V on naukari and linkdin.
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Sharan’s Answer

Great to know that you want to move back to India. We have lot of opportunity in India. Lot of startups and entrepreneurship off late in india give you verity of opportunities.

All the Best.
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Bharath’s Answer

I welcome your decision. There are lot of opportunities within India for any skill sets. If you have family , it will take a while to adjust for your kids with respect to culture, education syllabus. Its no more much different from the other developed countries with respect to the opportunities.

You can even move on if one job does not suite you.

Bharath recommends the following next steps:

If experienced, please get in touch with your friends to refer for job
Renew your profile in India job sites & social media.
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Vinodkumar’s Answer

Hello Siva,

Hope you have found a job in India, if not please sign up at LinkedIn and job portals.

Your preparation may vary according to the part of India you are planning to move, from the weather perspective, locality, cost of living.

Explore all the avenues. Best of Luck!

Hope it is helpful!

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Apoorva’s Answer

Hello Siva,

India is a beautiful country and has diversity of people residing here.
Start talking to people and explore the city you are going to reside in.

Initially it would be better to stay in a metropolitan city so that you don't feel much difference in the environment.

Best of Luck!

hope this was helpful!

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Akash’s Answer


I believe while I am writing this, you are already well settled in India and I hope you are having a good time.

A lot of opportunities parallel to a lot of competition in almost every field. Give your best shot every day.
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Sangameshwar’s Answer

Welcome back to India.!

Plan well before you move. Do some research on which place you wanted to move so that you & your family are comfortable (Stay & kids education). Start exploring on various job portals to make sure you select the right option.

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Gururaj’s Answer

Hi Sivakumar

Welcome back to India. As you may know that India is converting crisis into opportunity in many ways that includes Technology, Revolution in Industry, Textile etc..Certainly a good way to start your career by applying your thought process. If you are a technocrat, then it is really a good opportunity for you to think of joining different startups that are getting established in India.

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Biswadeep Saha’s Answer

Welcome back to india, there are lot of various options available in diversified fields.
Explore all the options online in various recruitment websites to make sure you select right option.
Lot of startups and entrepreneurship off late in india give you verity of opportunities.

All the best !
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Vidhi’s Answer

This question was posted almost an year back, I am sure you must have settled down in India by now.

In my view, these are some of the considerations one should have while moving to a new place -
- Be open minded : Its natural that you would find difference in people, culture & the surrounding environment. Don't flood your mind with perceptions based on someone else's experiences. Dont have apprehensions
- Embrace the change - Change is always a little painful. The best way to to enjoy the change is to first accept it ! Be ready for some pleasant and some not so nice surprises. Its good to be flexible and mould yourself based on the need and environment
- Go prepared, learn about the new place and people in advance
- Enjoy the journey - Last but not the least, dont be overly concerned.. Enjoy the new experience and journey !!
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Vineeth’s Answer

It matters a lot on where you are going to move. Is it to any metro city? Metro cities are much progressive compared to some towns or Cities. I would suggest read more about the culture of the place, people, universities, job offers to get an idea about the place you move. If you have some ancestral home or relatives keep in touch with them.

Its always a challenge when you are moving to a cultural different environment. Keep yourself open for the changes. Many at times you may need to learn about new places .