Career after B.Sc. Mathematics?
What are the career opportunities after completion of #B.Sc. in #Mathematics #math
4 answers
Brett’s Answer
You have so many options after getting a mathematics degree. It really depends on what you want to do. Typically people with a mathematics degrees end up as an analyst in banking, finance, accounting, consulting, engineering or corporate roles. However, the choice is really up to you. In addition, you can go pursue advanced degrees and choose the academia route to teach and research. As long as you have a sense of determination, you can apply your mathematics degree to areas you're interested in and end up with some pretty great career outlooks.
Best of luck!
Breanna’s Answer
Great question, Brett. The most positive thing about Mathematics is it allows so many doors to open. When I was looking to change my degree to Mathematics, I met with my adviser who suggested me to read "101 careers in Mathematics" - this may be of great service to you!
I personally went into Finance with a major in Mathematics and minor in Business Administration. As stated above, the possibilities are endless with Mathematics - Finance, Accounting, Banking, Consulting, Actuary, etc.
Aya’s Answer
Pierre’s Answer
I am currently an optician with a B.A in Mathematics. I am looking into learning computer languages in programming and am finding relatively simple so far. The hardest part is being able to remember all the different language's syntax not so much the problems. If your mind is fit to be a mathematics major, most o the algorithms and problem you will be posed should be much easier for you than non- mathematical majors. My classmates that I've kept in contact with are Data Analysts or Actuaries or hold non mathematical jobs like myself.
This about sums up my experience. Let me know if you have any questions.
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