4 answers
Should I get a job during college?
Should I invest time into an on-campus job during my time in college, or is it not worth it?
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4 answers

A. Michelle Hawkins
Make contributions and identify volunteer opportunities for employees
New York, New York
A. Michelle’s Answer
Kevin - It depends. Do you need money to offset the cost of tuition and room board or to have money for books, social activities or incidental expenses? If yes, you should consider getting a campus job, particularly if it helps you avoid or keep borrowing (student loans) at a minimum. The other consideration is whether or not you can work without it negatively affecting your grades. If the answer is yes, start looking for a campus job early as the best ones get taken early. Look for jobs in your department of study or ones or that build vital skills.
Cait’s Answer
Hi Kevin, excellent question! If you need to make some cash to help cover expenses, an on-campus job is a wonderful choice for a few reasons. First, the proximity to classes is unbeatable. Your supervisor will also understand the time demands of a full-time student, and they will likely be quite willing to work with you regarding scheduling so that you never miss a class session! When I was attending college, I took a full course-load, worked at the Provost's office, and had an internship a couple days a week. The internship was helpful, but the part-time campus job definitely provided me with significantly more knowledge about the campus, the university, and how I could make my education work for me. Just make sure whatever job you take doesn't get in the way of your education--that's the most important part!
Liam’s Answer
Hi Kevin! This is a great question, and honestly there will be a different answer for each person. For me, I worked on my college campus both doing some administrative stuff, and as a tutor, and I absolutely loved it. Not only is it great for a little bit of income with flexible hours for your classes, but you will meet a lot of people and learn a ton of valuable skills. My now wife actually worked at the same college, and had a similar experience to mine. The great thing for her is that she was able to build relationships with other staff at the college, made some lifelong friends, and she's now a teacher there!

Alan Weber
writer and retired teacher, teacher educator and academic advisor
Woodstock, New York
Alan’s Answer
By the way you're asking this, I'm assuming it's not a financial necessity. It certainly can have its benefits, in terms of meeting people, gaining job skills, earning spending money, etc. You'll have to assess the work load from your classes to know how much spare time you have that won't interfere with studying, healthy socializing and exercise, extracurricular activities of the college or of your own, and rest and sleep. But if a job isn't needed, it might be a better investment of your time to join clubs and activities offered by the college. Depending on what field you think you might be going into, there well could be a corresponding club. Do be involved in college life, in whatever form makes sense for you.