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A. Michelle Hawkins’s Avatar

A. Michelle Hawkins

Make contributions and identify volunteer opportunities for employees
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
New York, New York
108 Answers
207680 Reads
191 Karma


Civic Duty

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Jesse’s Avatar
Jesse Mar 11 843 views

What is a good way to career plan?

Who should I ask? Where to look? How to start?

Jerrell’s Avatar
Jerrell Mar 11 314 views

List the three most important skills for electricians to have?

for trade school

Juan’s Avatar
Juan Mar 01 889 views

How do I chose between trade school or college?

What factors should affect my choice?

Aisha’s Avatar
Aisha Mar 01 773 views

Is it still possible to get into a top 20 school with a 3.8 gpa?

For context in 9th grade I got a 4.0 gpa and for this year I got a 3.6 gpa for semester 1 despite the fact I had a 4 for all my classes except for marketing. I got a 3.2 which is considered an A at my school. But because I enrolled into marketing class late which is not my fault at all my...

Brock’s Avatar
Brock Feb 16 384 views

Do you wish you would have done something else and why?

Do you wish you were to do something else then what you chose to do in college? Why do you wish that you should or shouldn't have done something different in college? What do you wish you would have done different?

Shelby’s Avatar
Shelby Feb 18 1401 views

How does interviews work ?

How does interview works when you’re trying to get a job and is it difficult or stressful to do so, and can be successful in life with a good job and good income

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Feb 16 1014 views

If you start a job you don't like, what is the best way to start another career without spending a lot of money? ?

I know things don't always work out, but how would you start over if you had to?

Diego’s Avatar
Diego Feb 18 1525 views

is it hard working a full-time job?

is it hard working a full-time job if it is tell me thanks.

Princess’s Avatar
Princess Feb 16 4947 views

What was your college major for going into dentistry?

I am a 10th grade high school student and I am interested in being a dentist.

Micah’s Avatar
Micah Dec 29, 2023 5584 views

What the best college for law in NYC?

I want to become a lawyer, I so want to find out which type of college is best to go to for law In New York City.

Maryam’s Avatar
Maryam Jan 05 984 views

How do I choose a better career for myself

Hi, I'm in grade 9 i like teaching but my parents want me to become a doctor how do choose the right career path

Summer’s Avatar
Summer Jan 05 6423 views

Can you get an associate's degree in one subject and a bachelor's in another?

I am an aspiring LCSW in sophomore year. I am taking my associates in college this year, but I don't know if I should major in Psychology and English or Sociology and English (I have to take a college class for English, but It was also recommended that I take another dual college class as...

Ben’s Avatar
Ben Oct 05, 2023 4193 views

What things should I consider when researching career paths?

I'm in high school and now starting to get to the part where researching career paths is becoming important, and am wondering what things I should consider when looking into career paths. Personally, the thing I look for most is what would I enjoy the most. I also look into the money a little...

makala’s Avatar
makala Sep 30, 2023 416 views

how do I decide what I want to do with my life? I know I want to go to college but how do I decide where? ? ?

Im go to fort king middle school and I am in 8th grade and I Know I want to go to college but I don't know where. I know that I want to help people and I know what I don't want to work in the Hospital. Some of my interests are crossfit and I love volleyball. I also love drawing and I love...

Levi’s Avatar
Levi Sep 27, 2023 485 views

What should my ideal grades be?

What should I do, I would like to go into a medical field later in my life along with going into an ivy league school considering that my question is what should my ideal grades for middle and high school be.