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Alan Weber’s Avatar

Alan Weber

writer and retired teacher, teacher educator and academic advisor
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Woodstock, New York
207 Answers
253468 Reads
379 Karma


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Diego’s Avatar
Diego Apr 27 577 views

What is one skill that would you recommend for a freshman college student ?

What is one skill I should use in my freshman year of college to help me pass my classes and get a good structure on how like classes are going to be

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Mar 22 705 views

What is the most frustrating part about being a teacher?

Just in general

Layla’s Avatar
Layla Feb 27 903 views

How to choose a successful career ?

Hi, I'm 14 years old grade 10th student. I want to have a successful career but I don't know how?

Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie Feb 13 2044 views

How can I try and figure out what I want to do as an adult?

I still don’t know what I want to do with the rest of my life after high school.

Maddox’s Avatar
Maddox Feb 07 456 views

How do I fine where to go to college?

I like science and math and hate english. I want a job that I will enjoy in life

Madeline’s Avatar
Madeline Feb 07 784 views

What do I do if I don't know exactly what to do but have an idea?

I've had an interest in becoming a phycologist but I don't know if that's the way to go for a career.

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Feb 07 920 views

How do you choose my career subjects?

I want to know how I can choose the subjects to help me pursue my career

Tanzie’s Avatar
Tanzie Feb 07 1085 views

What is it like Being a lawyer??

What is it like being a lawyer? I am thinking about becoming one but im not sure which type I want to go into. I want to enjoy my job, and make connections with people and be well respected in the mean-time.

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Feb 04 504 views

what is best source online to learn math skills?

what is best source online to learn math skills?

Oliver’s Avatar
Oliver Feb 04 675 views

what is best way to study math?

what is best way to study math?

Matt’s Avatar
Matt Jan 26 1862 views

How important is attending college?

My name is Matt, lately i have been weighing my options and feel like I don’t need a college degree to be successful but i am afraid of making a mistake in my career path.

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jan 23 1062 views

What do you do when your parents force you into a career that's not of your choice?

I am in college studying medical research.

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a learner

Bailey’s Avatar
Bailey Jan 08 1826 views

How to begin as a highschool student wanting to become a teacher taking college teaching courses?

I have a 2.7 gpa and plan to take the act soon and graduate a semester early.

jaylynn’s Avatar
jaylynn Jan 08 1518 views

what is hard about college?

what hard about college? why should I go to college

Vincent’s Avatar
Vincent Jan 08 1684 views

Do you think the point of college is to get a high paying job Why or why not.?

Is college worth it? Comminlit assignment.