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How to choose a successful career ?

Hi, I'm 14 years old grade 10th student. I want to have a successful career but I don't know how?

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La Toya’s Answer

Hello Layla!

Remember, the definition of success can vary greatly from person to person. It's crucial to keep in mind that it's perfectly normal for adults to shift their career paths multiple times, so don't be disheartened if you find yourself in the same boat. When defining your own success, whether it's through happiness, earnings, or something else, consider these factors to help guide your journey:

1. Passion and Skills: What activities or tasks ignite a fire within you?
2. Personality: The perfect job on paper might not align with your personality. Do you thrive in a team or prefer working independently?
3. Goals: Where do you envision yourself in terms of financial stability or job satisfaction?
4. Values: What principles are important to you?
5. Options: Don't let your present circumstances limit your aspirations. You can achieve anything you set your mind to.
6. Potential Salary: What income level will meet your needs and wants?
7. Job Prospects and Outlook: Consider the future prospects of your chosen field.
8. Education and Training Costs: Be proactive in seeking scholarships to minimize expenses, and be cautious about taking loans if possible. Some professions may also offer extra incentives.

Remember, Layla, your journey is unique and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Take your time to ponder these aspects and you'll find the path that's right for you. Keep moving forward, you've got this!
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Liuginsa’s Answer

Hello Layla,

Remember, a truly successful career is one that brings you joy and satisfaction. It's crucial to find a path that sparks your passion, something you'd happily do without any monetary gain. The measure of success isn't found in the size of your paycheck or the prestige of your title. Rather, it's about finding fulfillment in your work.

Take the time to thoroughly research the career you're interested in. Reach out to friends who are already in that field and gather their insights. If you can, spend a day shadowing someone who does the job you aspire to. This hands-on experience can be invaluable in helping you make your decision. Remember, the key is to find joy in what you do. That's where true success lies.
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Diane’s Answer

Hi Layla, any career that you put effort and passion in will be successful! If you are not sure what career you want to pursue look at hobbies/interest that attract you and look for careers in those areas. Look to volunteer/find part time employment in those areas or shadow professional that is already working on those areas to get a feel if it's a career you can see yourself pursuing. Be mindful that this is, hopefully, going to be a career and not just a job so make sure it fuels your fire, energy and passion. Best of luck to you!
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Charlene’s Answer

Hello Layla,

Embarking on a rewarding career journey begins by pinpointing what truly sparks your interest or fuels your passion. Once you've identified this, the next step is to align it with a career that not only satisfies your passion but also provides financial security. I highly recommend spending some time observing professionals in your chosen field, as well as conducting thorough research on the current job market and salary trends for that particular profession.

No matter if you're just about to start college or are on the verge of completing your studies, the Access Your Potential Career Readiness and Digital Skills curricula are at your disposal. These resources are designed to help you flourish and pinpoint exactly what you desire from your career. Don't hesitate to sign up here: Remember, your potential is limitless and the right tools can help you unlock it.
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Hollise’s Answer

Hello Layla,

You'd be surprised how many folks aren't sure where to begin. Building on what La' Toya and Diane have shared, I'd recommend enrolling in a few classes or joining activities that align with your interests. Afterward, take some time to ponder over the experience by asking yourself:

- What aspects of this do I enjoy and why?
- What parts of this don't I find appealing and why?
- How do my likes or dislikes tie into my existing skills or the skills I'm keen to develop?
- What other career paths could benefit from these skills?

I'd also urge you to seize opportunities, even those you think you might not enjoy. You never know where they might lead you!

Hollise recommends the following next steps:

Visit Access Your Potential’s site for group/semester or one-time mentoring with PwC professionals focused on fostering connection, community, accountability and learning as you work toward your career goals.
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William’s Answer

Finding what is important to you and pursuing your passions is a crucial aspect of success. It's important to choose something that you are willing to invest your time and effort into, as any worthwhile endeavor requires dedication and hard work.

Additionally, it's important to recognize that every job and life experience contributes to your personal and professional development. Even if you don't start exactly where you want to be, staying positive and open to growth opportunities can lead to valuable skills and experiences. Over time, you will build a unique skillset that sets you apart.

Remember, success is a journey, and it's important to define it on your own terms. Continuously learning, adapting, and staying true to your passions will help you navigate the path to success.

Here are some additional tips to help along the way:
1. Set clear goals: Define what you want to achieve and break it down into smaller, actionable steps. This will help you stay focused and motivated.
2. Seek feedback: Actively seek feedback from others, whether it's from mentors, colleagues, or friends. Constructive criticism can provide valuable insights and help you identify areas for improvement.
3. Continuous learning: Embrace a growth mindset and commit to lifelong learning. Stay curious, explore new ideas, and seek opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills.
4. Practice self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your experiences and identify areas where you can improve. Regularly assess your strengths and weaknesses and develop strategies to enhance your skills.
5. Embrace challenges: Don't shy away from challenges or difficult tasks. Embracing them can help you develop resilience, problem-solving abilities, and new skills.
6. Network and collaborate: Surround yourself with people who inspire and challenge you. Engage in meaningful conversations, collaborate on projects, and learn from others' experiences.
7. Take care of yourself: Remember to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being will enhance your overall performance and ability to improve.

Remember, improvement is a continuous process, and it takes time and effort. Stay committed, be patient with yourself, and celebrate your progress along the way.

Explore on Access Your Potential’s site potential career opportunities like internships and paid consulting externships for nonprofits.
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Alan’s Answer

Layla, you have a long time to figure it out, with a lot of experiences to come that will help you. There are students in their first year of college who still haven't decided on a career path, so there's absolutely no need to be concerned. Start by thinking about your interests, your hobbies, your skills, your values and your experiences. See if they don't suggest certain careers that might suit you. Talk to your guidance counselor and maybe do some volunteer or summer work that might be in a field you find interesting. Take your time, you'll be fine.
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Mary’s Answer

The best advice that I can give is find what you love and find a way to do it that is comfortable for you. There are so many experiences that are not a part of the regular school experience. If you are not comfortable around large groups of people, working in an industry that requires you to be around large groups is probably not the best fit.
You also need to consider salary vs. education costs. College is expensive. What interests you as a degree might not be a marketable skill. Some great professions don't require a college education. If you enjoy woodwork, carpentry is a job that requires no degree and has multiple interesting branches where you would receive on-the-job training or only need a year or two of trade school to begin working.
Sometimes what you love doing is not a viable career choice because there is not high demand for that particular skill or service. Do your research. Try different things. You will find a job that you love!

Mary recommends the following next steps:

Try different experiences
Research your interests and see if they translate to jobs
Research the pay for those jobs
Decide whether you want to attend college
Create a list of steps for education and training to achieve your goal
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Kristen’s Answer

I recommend reflecting on what you would define "success" as. My personal experience is that my definition of "success" has greatly evolved over time and I'm sure will continue to as I go on. Is success making a lot of money and being a senior leader? Is success being able to be flexible and spend a lot of time travelling with family? Different careers will offer different opportunities for types of success - but in order to achieve it, the success found needs to align with what you specifically seek.

A recommendation.... prioritizing what makes you happy and feel most whole is a great success in the grand scheme of things. We don't live to work - we work to live!
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DAve’s Answer

Follow the path where your enthusiasm and love lie. Don't overcomplicate things, especially at this stage of your life. Remember, it's not about sticking to just one career - you can explore multiple throughout your lifetime. Concentrate on the subjects that captivate your heart. And most importantly, don't learn just for the sake of learning, but for the joy and curiosity it brings.