How do I pick my classes?
What classes should I take?
2 answers

Jasanpreet Kaur Bhatia
Jasanpreet Kaur’s Answer
Best way to answer this is:
- Identify what you want? (your area of interest like arts, languages, computer languages, social work, product development, games, cooking, and so on)
- Jot down all on a sheet of a paper.
- Search about them (About the kind of benefits it has and what sort of things you can learn from it)
- Select the one which adds value to your future.
Good Luck!
Raven’s Answer
Ok Caleb so first you want to know if you're Decided or Undecided...Decided means you know what you want to major in, Undecided means exactly that, you don't yet know what you want to major in. Then go from there. If you are unsure what you want to major in take a look at the courses offered at the school you choose to attend and see what jumps out at you. If you still don't know, attack your Gen. Eds. (General education) these are classes such as math, english, history, and science. In college you take gen. eds. and major based courses. Most important do your research and take courses that interest you.