3 answers
What is the best route to becoming an editor for a publishing house?
What classes should I take in college? Where should I apply? How do I apply and is there a healthy demand for editorial jobs?
#editor #jobs #publishing #careers #English
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3 answers

Rachel Resnick
Behavioral Health Professional; CT Licensed Secondary Educator
Seymour, Connecticut
Rachel’s Answer
According to research here is the best way to become an editor in a publishing house:
Becoming an editor involves four general steps:
- Pursue your editing interests
- Earn a bachelor's degree
- Acquire supplemental skills
- Gain work experience
For more detailed information follow the link in the source:
source: https://study.com/how_to_become_an_editor.html

Graham (Rusty) Carter Jr.
Writer, Editor, Communications Professional
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Graham (Rusty)’s Answer
Two ways to attack this. Whether or not you like big cities, move to NYC. The top 5 publishing companies have their headquarters in the Big Apple. Being in the right place at the right time is half the battle. As for classes, use those electives on English classes, grammar classes (if you can find one) . Lit classes will be helpful in learning the intricacies of fiction writing, allowing you to experience multiple genres of writing.
Kristyn’s Answer
Have you checked for any online schools that pertain to this? Just a thought :)