What are the essential differences between neurology and the other fields of medicine?
The fields I am most interested in are forensic pathology, and neurology but I am still undecided on which one to pursue the most, so I want to know what makes neurology distinct from the other fields and if it's worth it? #medicine #neurology #pathology
2 answers
Maria’s Answer
Here is a great info link

Alison Thomason
Alison’s Answer
The differences between Neurology and other fields of medicine are dependent usually on the system you are wanting to work within. A Diabetic Educator for instance works in the Gastrointestinal Unit at the hospital or similar employer. Even Neurology has subcategories of physicians. Speech Therapy is a good example to use for the Neurology field. Your school may or may not have a Speech Therapist on staff. If so you may have the ability to ask your Guidance Counselor if they would arrange an interview or meeting. Networking is a large part of adult life and getting to know someone who does what you want to do is always a blessing.