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what are jobs if you study political science

jobs available for political science graduate #politics #political-science

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8 answers

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Lee’s Answer


PoliSci is a liberal arts major, so you can do a number of things with it. Some graduates go into diplomacy, lobbying, or politics. Others teach, go to law or business school, or move into public relations.

I'm going to give you some steps below that can help you start sorting out what you might want to to do.

  • Here’s another from a question 4 years ago p Generally speaking, Political Science is a very flexible major. The two most often-cited careers for PoliSci majors are: Law Government and Politics (e.g., working for local, state, or federal agencies, or working for a political party, organization, or interest group, or political research organization or "think tank") If you want to join the police force, you often don't need a bachelor's degree (depends on your specific location). If you want to join a federal law enforcement agency, you might also want to consider majors including criminal justice as other great routes

Lee recommends the following next steps:

Let me know if you have more questions.
here’s a quick start to some ideas.
go to and put in your school or the school you plan to attend. if you do this through the website and not mobile app, you will get a broader picture. you can sort by region, by field. by major, by employer, etc. that should give you a whole long list of people to reach out for informational interviews.
you did not mention if you were already in school. if so, go to the career center and take advantage of it. have a one on one meeting with an advisor.
check out political science affinity groups both on and off campus and see if you can attend meetings and programs.
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Amreh’s Answer

Political Science can serve as starting platform for numerous amount of careers. Most often careers such as Esquires, Politics and Government officials often has a Political Science degree within their backgrounds. When Government officials careers are considered one must take into consideration careers on a local, state, and federal scale. Other careers that are often begin with a Political Science degree are as follows:

1. Legislative Assistant
2. Political Consultant
3. Intelligence Analyst
4. Political Campaign Staff
5. Law Enforcement
6. Marketing Research Analyst
7. Judge
8. Lawyer
9. Policy Analyst
10. Political Campaign Staff

Political Science can open can be considered the key to opening up careers that other majors potentially may not. Along with the Political Science degree one must strongly consider exactly which career path they wish to pursue in additional to the Political Science due the broadness of the degree. Being able to have a plan along with its contingencies regarding the pursuit of the career often assist in specifying the exact career one wishes to undertake.
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Jonya’s Answer

I'll keep this short and sweet...

Here is a list of careers you can consider:

Political Scientists, International Affairs Vice President, State-Federal Relations Deputy Director, Political Science Teachers( Postsecondary), Adjunct Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Faculty Member, Government Professor, Instructor, Political Science Instructor, Political Science Professor, Professor, Public Administration Professor among others.

Utilize to dive deeper into each job title listed to review each job duty and it's functions and decide which ones best fit the career path you are looking to take.

Hope this helps,

Jonya P, Jaitopia Professional Services

Jonya recommends the following next steps:

Familiarize yourself with www,
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Carla’s Answer

Hello Youssef,

Political Science, being a Major in Arts has a very broad future to it. From personal experience - studying Political Science - people can go into diplomacy, international organisations, politics... However, throughout the degree you learn how to communicate, speak, write, and think outside the box, and these can be applied to majority of jobs. This takes political science students to end up in a broad range of jobs from tech, banking, hospitality or studying further to maximise their skills in another major which is completely different.

It is a common misconception that political science students have to go down a political/international organisation/diplomat road, but this is definitely not the case!!

Political science has such a flexible outcome and it is an amazing history/life learning degree!! I for instance studied Political Science and ended in a tech start up :)

Hope this helps!

Carla recommends the following next steps:

Focus on your interest, and apply the skills learnt throughout the degree.
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siena’s Answer

Political Science is a great major because you can do a large array of things from that major.

I studied Political Science, with a focus on international issues. Most of my work revolved around reading about what was happening in different cultures, economies and countries and then writing papers and giving presentations.

Being able to analyze the information that I was reading and forming my own thoughts and reasoning is a crucial skill that you will use in any career. Writing in a concise and eloquent way is a highly valued skill in the working world as well as being able to speak to a larger group and give effective and inspiring presentations. All of these skills I use in my job today and many of these I got my first experience of in a PolySci major.

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Amina’s Answer

Politics and administration are closely related,as a graduate of political science you can work in the federal or state civil service,political aid and personal assistant to a political office holder,work in administration performing basic office operations of planning organizing, staffing, cordinating, and budgeting,basically management, administration,international relations.
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Patricia’s Answer

I was a Political Science major in college. I did want to pursue a job in foreign affairs, but nothing worked out at the time. Since then, I've held different positions including bond brokerage operations clerk, customer service, training & education manager, and digital operations manager. Despite not achieving my desired career path, I have never regretted my choice of Political Science as a major. There are so many wonderful examples of the benefits of this type of liberal arts degree in the posts above.

I will say that anyone with this major who is looking for a job not directly relevant to the major (public service/government, etc) will have to do a better job at connecting the dots with your skill set and your desired position on your resume and in an interview. I strongly agree with Carla and siena.... the training you receive through poli-sci to be an independent thinker, skilled writer and communicator are priceless. They will serve you well throughout your career, no matter what direction it takes.

I've never regretted my major and feel it's helped make me a success. .... wishing all you poli-sci peeps the best!
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Media and Mass communication would be the fields that comes to my mind. In case you are trying to integrate Political Science with Management. Mass communication is the process while media are the vehicles that drive the process. The basic difference between mass media and mass communication rests on the fact that mass media is a channel through which mass communication contents are delivered to the public. mass media ie, is a channel.
The following are the fields where you can find entry
• Advertising.
• Journalism.
• Public relations.
• Social media.
• Audio media.
• Convergence.
• Civil services.
• Administration.
• International Affairs.
• Parliamentarians
• Politicians