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what is the best profession?

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Subject: Career question for you


15 answers

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Karen’s Answer

The best profession is something that interests you and makes you smile when thinking about, something you're happy to do every day.
Thank you comment icon Thank you for the advice. Natalie
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Faith’s Answer

Proposal: The Best Profession

In today's fast-paced world, choosing the right profession is crucial for personal growth and success. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which career path to pursue. In this proposal, we will explore the best profession and highlight key points to consider when making this important decision.

Key Points:

1. Passion and Interest:
The best profession is one that aligns with your passion and interests. When you are passionate about your work, you are more likely to excel and find fulfillment in your career. Take the time to reflect on what you enjoy doing and consider how you can turn that passion into a profession.

2. Job Security and Growth Opportunities:
Another important factor to consider when choosing a profession is job security and growth opportunities. Look for industries that are in high demand and offer potential for advancement. Consider the long-term prospects of the profession and how it aligns with your career goals.

3. Work-Life Balance:
The best profession is one that allows for a healthy work-life balance. Consider the demands of the job and how they will impact your personal life. Look for professions that offer flexibility and opportunities for remote work, if that is important to you.

4. Financial Stability:
Financial stability is a key consideration when choosing a profession. Look for professions that offer competitive salaries and benefits. Consider the earning potential of the profession and how it aligns with your financial goals.

5. Personal Growth and Development:
The best profession is one that offers opportunities for personal growth and development. Look for professions that provide training and advancement opportunities. Consider how the profession will help you develop new skills and expand your knowledge base.

6. Impact and Contribution:
Lastly, consider the impact and contribution you can make through your profession. The best profession is one that allows you to make a positive difference in the world. Consider how your skills and talents can be used to benefit others and contribute to society.

In conclusion, the best profession is one that aligns with your passion and interests, offers job security and growth opportunities, provides a healthy work-life balance, ensures financial stability, offers opportunities for personal growth and development, and allows you to make a positive impact on the world. By considering these key points, you can make an informed decision about the best profession for you.
Thank you comment icon I will use this advice as I prepare for my career. Natalie
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Mack’s Answer

What’s the best profession. For me that entails finding something that challenges you daily and keeps you engaged. Something you enjoy. Something that allows you to live the life you want comfortably. In that I would say there isn’t a definitive best profession. Everyone has different views and goals when it comes to a profession. They also have their own opinions. The only one that matters when it comes to your chosen profession is your own opinion. It took me doing a lot of jobs to find what I actually enjoyed doing. I did jobs I didn’t enjoy. But I never just walked away from any of them. I was open and honest and worked hard at every job I have ever done. I gave plenty of notice before leaving any job. I have never quit learning and evolving. I continuously try to better my self and abilities.
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Michael’s Answer

The best profession is one that you enjoy doing. You look forward to going to work every day and you feel energised and happy when you are at work.
But you also need to think about the type of organisation or industry you want to work in.

The best profession for you is one that uses you skills and capabilities
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Charly’s Answer

Hi good morning! I think that the best Profession is the one that you love the most.
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Dan’s Answer

Several years ago, one of my students thought that being a Teacher would be the best job for her, so she enrolled in a Teacher Academy program at the local Career Tech Center. After spending some time in a school classroom assisting the teacher ( as part of her program) she quickly found out that this was not a good fit professionally for her. So we looked at other options within the school setting and decided that working with a Speech Pathologist/Therapist sounded interesting. I contacted a Speech Therapist to see if she could spend 15 hours a week with her to explore this as a potential career option. Needless to say , through this wonderful experience, the student in essence found out this was the best job for her. Why ? Because it had all the markings of a good fit, both personality wise and being passionate about. But also because the Therapist was so upbeat, positive and excited about her job, it had a very strong influence on the decision making of my student. This Therapist was so elated and positive about her career, that it became an infectious kind of thing for my student to choose m, and who became so convinced/excited that she had truly found the right career. Any internships/ experiences you can have exploring jobs you feel would be a good fit, do it. It may make all the difference in the world to finding the “ best Job”
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Dominique’s Answer

Hello! The most fulfilling career is the one that aligns with your IKIGAI principles :) Check it out here Wishing you all the best, Dominique
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Corinne’s Answer

The best profession is the one in which you will feel happy :)
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Liz’s Answer

Hi There!

Follow your heart ! If you like Animals try Zoology, Training or Veterinary practices. If you like Math or Money Management try Accounting or Payroll fields. If you like clothes then try Designing, Stylist, Textile Design or even Alterations. I worked making costumes for plays and as a Seamstress, in my lifetime and love fashion, design and also interior design. I love math, solving problems and an well as helping other and love my position as an Payroll Analyst.....Ask yourself when am I most happy ????? Then how and where is the money and stability in that field achieved. Then focus in surround yourself with people and places that will bring you closer to your dream; until it is a reality! Take advantage of opportunities to shadow, apprentice or even volunteer for some time with seasoned professionals in your field of interest.

You can do it !
You alone can determine your future!
Do not be afraid to explore!
No Failures are just adding to your learning and knowledge bag!
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Joanna Rose’s Answer

Hello Clinton,

The concept of the "best profession" is highly subjective and varies based on individual interests, values, skills, and life goals. It is important to consider a career that aligns with your passions and strengths, as this can lead to greater job satisfaction and personal fulfillment. Financial stability, job security, and growth opportunities are also critical factors to consider when evaluating the suitability of a profession. Additionally, the impact of the profession on society and how it contributes to the well-being of others can also be a significant consideration for many individuals. Ultimately, the best profession for one person might not be the same for another, making it essential to assess personal criteria and career aspirations when determining the ideal career path.
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Duncan’s Answer

Hi Clinton

The best profession is something that aligns with your interests and passions. I have a role which is primarily desk based but for other people they may prefer to be outdoors and more active. Spend some time getting to understand what you like, where you have a passion and then see how these align to different careers. Maybe come back with here with a follow up question when you know.

Best of luck
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Abiola’s Answer

I recommend what seems best and suite you well.
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Marita’s Answer

The best job is one that gets you excited to wake up in the morning, and leaves you feeling accomplished at the end of the day, knowing you've made a difference. Choose a role that lights a fire in your heart, one that you're eager to learn more about, grow in, and spend your days enjoying with people who share your enthusiasm. Remember, it's okay if you don't find your perfect fit right away. The early stages are all about exploring and learning through trial and error.
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Alison’s Answer

The best professions are the ones that fulfil your purpose! We are all different. If you learn to really know you - you can learn about what energises you, what are you passionate about, what ways you like to work. I would say the more you can learn about yourself through maybe some self awareness activities will help you learn about what would be the best job for you! I have also found that as life circumstances change you may need different things from your job like flexibility, ability to travel etc. But if you find something you are passionate about and you have freedom to grow in it it should feel the best job in the world!

Alison recommends the following next steps:

Build your self awareness of who you are, what you like / don't like , your strengths
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Matt’s Answer

Imagine heading to work each day, and it feels more like a passion than a job! Select a career that not only fulfills you but also brings you joy. Don't hesitate to dig deeper, explore, and ask questions.

Wishing you nothing but success!