What colleges have good psycholgoy programs that will allow for a student who wishes to be a child psychologist the opprotunity to have hands on experience with children?
I am an 11th grader who wants to be a child psychologist but i am not sure what school will be best for me to study at #psychology #colleges #programs
2 answers
Lauren’s Answer
Being a child psychologist will involve going to graduate school, so the first step is to apply to and graduate from a four year college. At college you will be able to take psychology classes and talk to professors in the field. They will be able to help you choose the best graduate program for your interests and make sure that you take the proper classes to meet any admission requirements.
Jamie’s Answer
Hi! If you're interested in psychology, it's super easy to find out. You can look on LinkedIn and see what psychologists trend from which schools. In fact, you should check out linkedin.com/edu to play around and look at the schools that maybe have the best % of psychologists.