Career questions tagged seekingcareerguidance

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Wasim339 views

How can I switch my career?

"Hello! I'm a 24-year-old soon-to-be graduate from Law College, and I'm considering a career transition into the tech industry, specifically as a Data Analyst or Cloud Data Engineer. I currently reside in a tier 2 city and have been contemplating a move to tech-centric cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, or Pune for better exposure in this field. My plan is to enroll in 3 to 6 months of online courses to gain the necessary skills. Now, I'm faced with a decision: should I stay at home and take the online courses or should I move to one of the bigger cities and support myself financially by taking up part-time work while studying online? I'm seeking guidance on which option would be more beneficial for my career transition. Thank you!"

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Sheniece553 views

For an upcoming college freshman with an undecided major , are there any resources that may aid in career guidance ?

#help #seekingcareerguidance #indecisive #college #futurelawyer

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