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San Jose, California
2 Questions
52 Karma

Shakarri’s Career Goals

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Shakarri’s Avatar
Shakarri May 31, 2021 509 views

Civilian Jobs with a criminal justice or criminology bachelors?

I sort of already know what I want to do for my future jobs. I have a huge list actually, just incase I can’t get the first! I always thinks it’s nice to have a bunch of jobs I would like to do so I don’t get discouraged if I can’t get the first one. I have been going insane trying to find as...

Shakarri’s Avatar
Shakarri Dec 22, 2020 549 views

Getting my Bachelors in Criminology, need more information regarding my goal careers!

Hello! I am a 24yr old student currently attending Portland State in hopes that I can finish with my Bachelors in Criminology. I have a passion for true crime and study a dozen or more cases a day on my own. I also interview inmates in prison as a hobby and blog about it. (I used to have an...