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Frances’s Avatar


Glendale, California
4 Questions
82 Karma

Frances’ Career Goals

I'm looking into a gaming career like esports, twitch, maybe youtube gaming. Maybe photo shopping or video editing. Might need to look into the YouTube works more.



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Frances’s Avatar
Frances Sep 16, 2021 2241 views

Whats much money on average would I make of my first YouTube sponsership? I heard raid shadow legends was paying YouTubers up to 9,600$ per sponsership

#youtube Looking into a YouTube or Twitch Gaming Carrier. Still thinking about it might go with both.

Frances’s Avatar
Frances Sep 07, 2021 530 views

Shoud I post links to my youtube videos on other websites like discord or reddit to try to get more views on them ? I have gotten around 300,000 views on all my videos together.

Im into a YouTube career #youtube

Frances’s Avatar
Frances Sep 02, 2021 550 views

I got 200,000 on a YouTube video I posted 2 years a go should I make more videos similar to the one I posted?

#video-games #youtube

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Frances Aug 31, 2021 540 views

How long does it take to train for esports? How long does it take to get 1,000 subs on YouTube

I'm looking into a gaming career. #esports