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Luis’s Avatar


San Diego, California
2 Questions
71 Karma

Luis’ Career Goals

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Luis’s Avatar
Luis May 14, 2016 1005 views

How does a low income student start looking for financial aid since I am already focused on my dream school?

My dream school Is Stanford and I am determined to work as hard as I need to so that I can accomplish my goal of graduating and starting my career in business or becoming a lawyer. I come from a low income family so not only would it help me but, It would take less stress off my parents back....

Luis’s Avatar
Luis May 14, 2016 973 views

How did you find a job once you graduated college?

I'm planning on having my major be in business or law and I question myself how I am planning on starting my career. Do most people need to have a connection to start working or do they find the job themselves? Although I am only a freshman I still focus on what I'm planning to do with my...