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Bally, Pennsylvania
2 Questions
86 Karma

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Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea May 24, 2016 1593 views

How long into your first nursing job should you feel comfortable with making decisions?

Nursing school teaches us the information and how to apply it, but being outside the clinical setting and actually on your own working with all the responsibilities of the patients makes me nervous for my first job once I graduate. I am just wondering as to how long until you felt comfortable...

Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea May 24, 2016 1317 views

How do you separate work life from home?

I am curious as to how nurses cope and deal with the hardships of being a nurse, such as losing a patient, decline in patient's health, or some type of situation that is upsetting. I want to know how nurses keep their work life separate from their personal life since I feel it is important to...