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Juliana’s Avatar


Lawrence, Kansas
2 Questions
76 Karma

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Juliana’s Avatar
Juliana Jun 14, 2016 1155 views

What is your advice on getting into a professional orchestra in the US or Europe?

Hi! I'm a high school cellist and my dream job would be to play in a professional orchestra, but I know how competitive the audition process is. Do any successful musicians have any advice to make my chance of achieving this dream as high as possible? #music #music-performance #orchestral-music

Juliana’s Avatar
Juliana Jun 14, 2016 3137 views

What are some good universities for a cello performance major?

Hi, I'm in high school and I would like to major in cello performance in college and eventually make a career out of music. Does anyone know any schools that are especially good for this?
Thanks! #education #music #music-performance #orchestral-music #playing-cello