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Germantown, Maryland
2 Questions
91 Karma

Samuel’s Career Goals

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Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Jan 17, 2018 824 views

How do you cope with regret?

There is an endless variety of jobs available, from software engineer, to anesthesiologist, to landscape architect. Most people are not simply skilled in one area, but in multiple arenas of study. There are many times I have overheard conversations of jobholders wishing they had entered this...

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Jan 17, 2018 760 views

What career pathway is most effective in changing lives?

I have decided a long time ago that I would make the most of the time I am given on this Earth. My desire is to have a positive impact on as many people as possible. I want to be a key instrument in the improvement of society. The occupations I am considering include options such as doctor,...