Is making a resume important to get ready for college?
In my Personal, Career, and Development Skills class, I was required to make a resume even though I am not applying for a job. I was wondering, is it important to have a resume to apply for college in the future? #resume #college #preparing-for-college #resume-writing #career-development
5 answers

Carole Curtis
Carole’s Answer
Hi Katie: It is important to make a resume after High School to prepare for college and possible getting a job or interview for volunteer work or just to have all your skills and whatever jobs you have done listed somewhere so that when you do need to send your resume in you will have the facts written done and it will be easier. However, I will say this that making a resume after high school and before college is a little different than the one you will have after college. What are the differences you ask: Here are some things that should be on the resume as a graduate from high school: 1. Your resume will be more about what classes you took in high school and what your GPA was when graduating; 2. Also what were your extracurricular activities Sports, Newspaper editor, writer or photographer; 3. Any clubs that you belonged to and participated in events and maybe help an office like Secretary; Possibly in a sport, or had a job after school. These are all important to put on resume to enter a college. After college you can put similar points of interest, but you must update it to your college activities when going on interviews after your college graduation. Here are some points you should put on resumes after college: 1. Your skills and qualifications that you will bring to the job you are interviewing for; 2. Any job that you worked at while in college even if it was volunteer or an internship and this is very important because they will have an even better perspective about you!! 3. You can put you GPA or any honors or achievement that you earned in college also; 4. If you were active in a club or sorority/fraternity and help an office that can be important also, along with any other club or activity that you were involved in. 5. If you excelled in a particular field of study and it applies to the job you are interviewing for the also put that under the education area or the honors and achievement area on your resume. I don't know if you have worked within the 20 years that you have prepared a resume, but it should be updated with all the new skills and qualifications that you have used and still want to use. 6. Even if you are not planning to work always keep you resume updated and in tact to make it easier to remember what you have done on jobs or volunteer work or more education, that way when you need a resume to give to someone you have it up dated! 7. This will come in handy for anything that is of interest to you so that the person knows more about what your skills are and what you like to do even if it has been a hobby. I hope these points have helped you define what is needed after high school and what else is needed after college. I also hope that these books that I named below have really helped me and hope they give you good information also!
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Ken’s Answer
Yes. Your education/career journey, like any other trip that you might plan, needs a clear cut destination with supporting information. To make the most prudent use of your college time and money and make a favorable impression on a college and future employers, it would benefit you greatly to have clear destination (career area) in mind and reinforce and strengthen that goal with such helpful items such as pertinent classes and extracurricular activities and hobbies and jobs. During my many years in Human Resources and College Recruiting, I have found the following steps to be helpful towards developing such a document.
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Katie’s Answer
While I did not need a resume to apply for college (over 20 years ago), I did need to prepare my resume the first quarter of my freshman year. I had to turn in my resume as an assignment in my Freshman 101 class, and I also needed a resume to interview for co-op jobs.
Yolonda’s Answer
Sheryl’s Answer
It looks like you’ve already received some amazing responses to your question. If you’re looking for additional resources check out this site I found which gives samples and other tips to help along the way. Good luck!!
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