2 answers
What is needed in preparation to become a film major?
#film #majors #director #film-production
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2 answers
Gaby’s Answer
Find movies that you like that may seem weird or strange! Use your down time to find directors that you really like, and try and watch as many of their movies as possible. Read interviews with cinematographers, directors, producers, actors so you can understand each of their roles and what could be the best fit for you.

Melissa Gonzalez
Imagery Technician at Canadian Armed Forces | Forces armées canadiennes
Melissa’s Answer
Definitely go out and shoot! A lot! It's one thing to learn from a book, but another to learn with your hands. Depending on what you want to do in film, I would recommend learning all parts of it hands on. Maybe make your own student film with your friends or volunteer at your local film festival!
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