3 answers
Kevyn’s Answer
I suggest asking the study abroad office for help. If they aren't helpful I would recommend researching study abroad scholarships online. Anything will help. Also, consider creating a gofundme page. Many of my friends have created accounts, and they received a couple of thousand in financing.
Miranda’s Answer
I would suggest looking into your qualifications for the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship. When I was in college I applied to this scholarship and was lucky enough to get this scholarship, without which I couldn't have gone abroad. It is a federal scholarship that ranges in amounts based on financial need.
Miranda recommends the following next steps:
Amelia’s Answer
Great question! In my experience, the best way to receive financial aid for study abroad is to conduct research for your university. In many cases, if you complete a grant proposal and then travel and write a review on your research and how it benefits the university they will provide you will money for travel expenses, as well as a living stipend.
Another option is to apply for a grant online. Websites such as CIEE (https://www.ciee.org/go-abroad/college-study-abroad/study-abroad-scholarships-grants?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=access_2018&utm_term=study%20abroad%20grants&utm_content=access_ad1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIksfW2Lf13gIV04uzCh1OVAiuEAAYAiAAEgI7gfD_BwE) offer money to students performing reseach abroad.
Amelia recommends the following next steps: