How do scholarships send colleges or universities the money they grant?
When you earn a scholarship, what must be done next? How do you secure the money you earned? #universites #money #scholarships #savings
2 answers
Courtney’s Answer
It depends on the scholarship. Some will send a check directly to the college/university. There are others that will mail the check to you, but the check is made payable to the college/university and you're responsible for taking it to financial aide to have it applied to your account. Then then are those that make the check payable to you, and mail it to you. I've found that large scholarships are typically sent directly to the university and smaller ones (less than $1,000) are typically made payable to the student. But I have found some small ones that mail the scholarship checks to the university/college. They're all different so there's no way to give you a definite answer.