How Do I Study And Actually Retain The Information?
I've tried many different styles and ways of studying and it just never works and never sticks. I try to clear my mind and focus but I can't because my mind is always worrying and stressing over something else in my life. #Study #life
6 answers

Jasan Kaur
Jasan’s Answer
Hi Ashley,
At your age even I faced the similar problem. But I got the best solution from my grandfather, which not only helpled me but it helps everyone who tries to adopt it.
Best solution is “Write and learn”.
I know it is time consuming but it’s the best way to retain and in addition when you are writing distractions are less. Create your self notes of each course. Be patience! As you will take time in the starting but gradually it will be less time consuming.
Important Note to deal with your distractions: I used to study late night starting from 10 PM, when there is no sound around or sometimes in the early morning starting from 4 AM or 5 AM. Select whichevet is best for you.
*We can discuss more ways to deal with distractions if you wish too.
All the best!
Joann’s Answer
Hi Ashley,
As you have noticed, you can't think of two things at the same time. You have to want to learn what you are studying or it is easy to push it off, think of other things, and ignore what you need to do.
Have Fun with it! Learning doesn't have to be a chore. The more you are open to learning new information, the easier it is to remember it.
Repetition.. repeating the information through multiple ways will help you retain what you are learning. As you hear it, repeat it in your head. Write it down. Say it out loud. Write it again. Sing the information to yourself. Yeah.. funny, but it works. The key is to repeat it so that you can retain it.
Good luck!
Tom’s Answer
For me, hand writing my notes instead of typing makes a big difference in the amount of information I retain. I would also recommend against cramming too much information at once. This can add to your stress and will decrease the information that you retain down the road.
Amy’s Answer
Hi Ashley i guess it is different to everyone, but what it work for me is write and practice, for example thinking about math it always help me to just practice find a friend that could challege you and try to make it fun. Sometimes when i could not focus i just prefer to go outside maybe have some ice cream and then come back and try again, because frocing it would never work, hope this helps you.
Hemachandra’s Answer
One of the challenges many people face during learning process to overcome procrastination. Procrastination stems from distractions due to digital media and impacts concentration needed for focused learning. This course gives good advice on how to overcome procrastination.
Patricia’s Answer
Hello Ashley,
I have the same issue, I believe doing labs or explain the topic to someone else is pretty helpful. If you are able to explain and answer questions to someone will give you expertise on that topic.