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How can I get the help that I need in order to work for my goals to get the job/career that I want to do?

-How much school I need
-Info that I should know
-details in what will be included
#career #ideas #creativity

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4 answers

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Su’s Answer

Hello Brenda, to work through your goals to get the job or career that you want to do. I would suggest to do some researching and jot down the list from your research then make some networking with others toward your path.

Thank you comment icon Thank you, I plan on getting a job sometime when I'm older to help me with the job I would like to have in my future. I will also look and take notes on what seems interesting to do in my future. Brenda
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Ronald’s Answer

The help that you need is already within you. There is plenty of advice from others in what you should do and how you should live your life but in the end none of it is as meaningful as what you know about yourself and your capabilities and potential and weaknesses and limitations. The key is to be brutally honest with yourself and then acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses and use the former to their greatest advantage and shore up the latter. You will question and doubt yourself from time to time, and many will try to take advantage of your insecurity. Do not give in to those who would prey on your insecurities but recognize your value and use that to accomplish your goals.

Ronald recommends the following next steps:

Clarify your goals
Assess your strengths and weaknesses
Map your strengths to the goals you set for yourself
Acknowledge your weaknesses and come up with a plan to prevent them from getting in the way of you accomplishing your goals
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Olivia’s Answer

Hey Brenda. My advice would be to read books around your goals, find mentors in your field, and be open to meeting new people through connections. The best way I have found in getting into the career I wanted was to always be willing to learn more and to go out of my comfort zone.

Hope this helps!

Thank you comment icon Hello, Thank you for helping me, I'll be sure to try out and see what I am curious on what I would like to do in my future :) Brenda
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Carole’s Answer

Hi Brenda: I will give you a few ideas about goals and careers: 1. You must work up a goal list before you do anything else, this is important for you to follow and will help you to separate the best goals from the list that you make. 2. This one is important and necessary for getting you on the right tract for your career, and if you can find a Career Center in your area like in a Junior College or College it is always informative to take an assessment to find out what careers you are interested in or best for you after answering the questions. 3. There is an assessment that I use called SDS (self directed search) It will help to get you thinking about your future and what you really want to do. Wherever you go to get the Interest and Personality assessment you will be able to talk with a (CAREER) Counselor that will help with making choices that are best for you. The Career Counselor specializes in Assessments, Career, Goals, and Interests which helps you to find the best career choice for you.

. 4.They are able to put your goals towards your chosen careers as stated on the assessment. Once you have a few careers in mind, you can make a plan that will integrate you choices of careers and also with your goals together. I would also research some of the choices that interest you and talk to those people who are actually working in those careers. 5. Research is important and there are many books that can help you with the careers that you are interested in.

Carole recommends the following next steps:

The career and Personality Assessment gives you a great start on what career would be best for you. Again (SDS (self directed search) for Interest, and Myers Briggs for Personality or there are other assessment that your Career Counselor will us. After you get a grip on possible careers and goals you can start researching the areas of interest for you.
Make sure you have done the assessment because that is important to know what you think you might want to do and help with your goal planning! I wish you the best in your research. I am sure you will come upon some very good information. The best book to get for your future endeavers is titled "Do What you Are" by PaulTieger & Barbara Barron!