How can I join this volunteer program?
I really love computer science and coding. I want to major in computer science and I would love this opportunity to try and get myself accustomed to programming. I would love to volunteer and try to help out others in coding. I also see this as an opportunity to learn more about computer science myself. #computer-science #computer-science
5 answers
Brian’s Answer
Brian recommends the following next steps:
Jo Ann’s Answer
Lucy’s Answer
Ashley’s Answer
So, if you are interested in helping out/volunteering with a program, I would suggest doing a little research on the company you are interested in to see if there is a way to volunteer with them, if there are individuals you can discuss this potential opportunity with or go directly to their "contact us" page and send an email out. There is potential that this could could lead nowhere, or you could get in with the company and develop your skills - potentially even working for them for pay someday!
Dennis’s Answer
Non profit companies could be a great start to get yourself acclimated to it all -
Also check with your Company about what Volunteer programs they may have!
Good Luck!