What are some careers if I'm interested in medicine and technology?
I'm interested in medicine because I want to be able to help people, but I also think technology (like computers) is really fun. I'm wondering what careers use both, so that I can combine these interests. #medicine #computer #healthcare #technology #healthcare-technology
7 answers
Divye’s Answer
Computational Biology is an upcoming field and a lot of universities offer courses in them. For instance at Stanford as a CS student you can take several courses related to that field. This will make you a good candidate for genetic research, pharmaceutical companies. There are a lot of companies leveraging technology for health purposes. You don't really need to have a medical back-ground but can do data mining on health data to identify patterns etc.
John’s Answer
The integration of medicine and technology has been tremendous over the past decade. I currently work with many RNs, pharmacists, and physicians that made the shift from medicine to technology. These individuals bridge the gap between the clinicians and the technology. The last few years have been very busy with all the initiatives around what is called Meaningful Use. This includes electronic order entry by physicians, medication reconciliation, and safe transmission of patient information for continuity of care, among other items. The "Informaticists" are key team members in all of these efforts and they love the work that they do.
The future in this space continues to be bright and may be a great area for you to explore further given your interests!
Jason’s Answer
I am sure there are many majors that are available for your passions. Since I am studying Software Engineering myself, I can provide a bit of insight on the engineering and computer side.
There are a lot of Biomedical Engineering degrees out there. I believe this program combines medical solutions with the use of mechanics, electronics and other technologies.
Another one that I can suggest is Bioinformatics. This is highly concentrated on the computer side but you shouldn't count it out! It uses computational and mathematical methods to analyze biological data.
Best of luck!

Joan Fenwick
Joan’s Answer
What a great time to look at the combination of Healthcare and technology! In addition to the many ways technology can be used within the Medical setting, many new technologies - and companies - are developing really innovative solutions using technologies like cloud storage (to hold and provide shared access to medical records) or mobile devices (use your smartphone to track your personal statistics and medicine doses).
Check out organizations like HIMMS (HIMSS is a global, cause-based, not-for-profit organization focused on better health through information technology (IT). HIMSS leads efforts to optimize health engagements and care outcomes using information technology) http://www.himss.org/
You can also check out the partner companies from the site to see the wide variety of new ways that technology is being adapted to support healthcare initiatives. It's an exciting time and I bet the future will show all kinds of truly innovative advances in this space. Great career options!
Michele’s Answer
There are sooooo many careers in healthcare that involve technology.
Maybe something like a CT (Cat Scan) technologist. Or, if you have the time money and motivation, robotic surgery is the wave of the future! (Picture yourself in one of those robots you step into in the sic fi movies and then put yourself in an OR and start performing surgery) Even within that there are specialties.. GYN surgery, cardio thoracic surgery etc..
It is a huge field
Also, anything you do diagnostic or treatment oriented in medicine is going to include technology and computers regardless..
Maybe decided what interests you most within medicine and then decide where to sub specialize within that field to use the most exciting technology at the same time.
I love cardiology and spend a lot of time using technology and computers for many many things... stuff like rendering 3D cardiac ultrasound pictures to display information to the surgeons they can use to decided if and how to fix valves etc..
Medicine is a great field if you want to help people and use high end technology!
Chelsea’s Answer
Electronic Medical Records are an up and coming technology for the field of medicine; the job prospects are expected to grow in this industry. If you like technology, there are a ton of health start ups that you can join or you can start your own! Some examples include ZocDoc and FitBit.
Monisha’s Answer
If you like medicine and also want to be a tech savvy, you can choose Biomedical Engineering. It has to do with inventing and developing new products that help people directly or help in the treatment of people.