Did anyone try to convince you to change your major due to the amount of money your particular career made?
I'm planning to be a social work major and everyone has been trying to convince me to change my major and telling me that social workers don't make much of anything. The reason I chose the major that I chose wasn't because of the money but because its something I will enjoy waking up and doing daily. #doctor #nurse #social-work
4 answers
Carmen’s Answer
Everyone in social work can relate to this question. (This is probably the one time I will make a sweeping generalization, but I'm confident 100% of people who have this degree has been told this.) Most people don't understand how diverse social work is and what social workers really do. A clinical social worker can diagnose mental conditions and go into private practice, just like a therapist or any other type of counselor. If this an area you want to pursue, you can start calling yourself a counselor instead. I met a social worker who makes 90k working for an insurance company, so I usually just tell them that instead! I chose this degree because I noticed government jobs required it.
Angela Chan
Angela’s Answer
If you are passionate about the field and want to pursue it, don't let the lack of big money discourage you. Like most professions, direct service is a good starting point but moving up within an organization, into management and supervision, will earn a higher salary.
Clinical social workers who provide therapy earn a very competitive salary in CA since they are in such high demand - hospitals, schools, private practice, non-profit organizations, etc.
Echoing the other responses, the field is very diverse and your area of focus will determine your scope of work and the organizations you will work for.
Please don't let the lack of big money discourage you from entering the field, I earn a very competitive salary doing work I love. My additional advice is to not accrue a lot of school debt if possible, it's hard to manage a big school debt when you are just starting out in social work, starting salaries are smaller than other professionals.
Good luck!
Kendra’s Answer
Please note that you can make decent money in social work, but you have get experience and most times a license.
Don't allow others to disturb your plans if you are aware of the circumstances. Good luck!
Alyssa’s Answer
Yes. A lot of people discouraged me from the major I picked, but I'm still glad I did it. I studied Human Services with the intention of obtaining my Master's in Social Work, but I ended up becoming a school counselor. I completely agree with Carmen that almost anybody who studied in a field like ours people tried to talk them out of it because of the money. I also agree with Carmen that it really does depend on what part of social work you go into.
On the other hand it is important that you are aware of the realities of social work and if possible I'd recommend interviewing a social worker in your area. Ask them what they like about their field, what they don't like, and what surprised them. Most adults are pretty willing to help. If you aren't positive of social work because of the stress and income that goes with it consider exploring other helping professions like school psychologist, child life specialist, healthcare social work, occupational therapists, and their are tons more.