What is some advice you have about starting a new business from scratch?
I am an aspiring optometrist, hoping to open my own practice one day. While most of my studies are focused on the sciences, I feel I am lacking in the business area. Advice about where to start or important steps along the way would be very helpful! #business #medicine #optometry
3 answers
Biju’s Answer
You need an Idea to start business.
You need to analyses what is the funding required for starting the business.
You need to analyses where can you get the fund from . Could be self funded parents, take loan from bank, crowd sourcing or venture capital.
You also need to have some expertise in the line of business to be successful so it is a good idea to work in similar running business to get good business understanding.

Katie Ramirez, M.S.
Katie’s Answer
I agree with everything the previous poster said and only have a few additional thoughts:
Are you still in school? If so, you might consider trying to take a few entry-level business courses pass/fail or audited (meaning the pressure is off, but you still get the content). Many schools offer classes that are specifically designed for non-business majors.
If you are already through school or in your professional program, you might turn to sources such as Lynda or even community colleges for either semester courses or community outreach courses. You could also consider trying to find a business partner who has the business acumen.
Getting the experience in another independent optometry practice will give you an idea of what you need to know, the downsides/challenges, etc. You want to know the environment inside and out. That will help you navigate decisions and have conversations with others as you solicit funding/support.

LaShona Patton-Jones, MS,TKP
LaShona’s Answer
Join an association that is relative to your business. Find a successful business coach who has made millions year after year in many types of businesses. Increase your knowledge on business finance. Establish business credit early.
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