3 answers
3 answers
Teresa’s Answer
Hi Jessica, what a great question! I think it's an important thing for nurses to know what type of teamwork is present in an area before she takes a job there. It is not only important to the team to work together, but it's also important for patient outcomes. If I have a patient that makes a change and I am not comfortable reporting these changes to a doctor because they are not approachable, then the patient is at risk! For this reason, I meet with our physicians in the NICU often and we discuss the importance of working together as a team. We focus on quality issues and have discussions that will lead to improvements to our teamwork. We practice resuscitations and communication is always crucial when we are involved in an emergency. It is great that you have this question because you are considering the teamwork necessary. Great job!
Richard’s Answer
The best health care teams treat communication as a 2-way street. If all the information flows in one direction (eg orders being passed from physician to nurse) there is little opportunity to provide feedback. If the nurses don't feel comfortable raising concerns to the physician, important issues can be ignored and mistakes can increase,
Stephen’s Answer
It is very important that all those who work in healthcare work closely together in order to do the best for patients. No healthcare career should be considered less important or more important than another. It is in the best interest for patients that all work well together for the benefit of the patients. That being said, not everyone believes that this is true, so like with any profession, some get along well with their co workers, and some not as well.