How can I learn to train service dogs?
I love dogs and training them and I am interested in service dog training #service #disabilities #dogs
3 answers
Sheila’s Answer
Training dogs usually means teaching people to train their own dogs, so you should be a people person. You should also love learning, be patient, and be able to work with a variety of learning styles.
At this time no federal or state certification is required to be a dog trainer, although certification is available. Contact the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT) and the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) for additional information about the profession and eventual certification. Trainers who have received certification and hold the title CPDT are required to obtain continuing education credits on a regular basis in order to retain their title.
I wish you much success on your journey. Best of luck to you working with our furry friends. 😉
Sheila recommends the following next steps:
Jess’s Answer
I'd start by getting some general dog handling skills under your belt! You can go to your local SPCA or animal rescue and apply to be a volunteer, they typically have training courses for you to learn basic dog handling and it's a great place to practice!
Carolyn’s Answer
Volunteering at local rescues and humane societies and training your own dog basic commands are vital 1st steps. After mastering basic commands I would suggest training your dog to pass the Good Canine Citizen Test ( and then an Animal Assisited Therapy test (most volunteer organizations have their own specific tests). I would also suggest searching to the see if your area has a non-profit service dog training organization to volunteer at. Canine Companions for Independence is the largest in non profit assistance animal the US (