3 answers
3 answers
Angela D.’s Answer
Tom's answer was great! I'll give you an additional perspective, given the COVID-19 issues that can impact volunteering. Online/remote volunteering is a great way to contribute to the greater good, as well as add to your resume/work experience/college application. Websites are listed below alphabetically after Volunteer Match, which is a kind of clearinghouse. Wishing you the best in your endeavors, Dr. B
• Volunteer Match at https://www.volunteermatch.org/search/virtual (includes such activities as Cards For Smiles)
• CareerVillage (1 hour of community service for answering 3 questions regarding education and/or careers, mostly to high school and college students) at CareerVillage.org
• Catch A Fire (assists non-profits) at http://catchafire.org
• DoSomething lists several opportunities at https://www.dosomething.org/us/articles/9-places-to-volunteer-online-and-make-a-real-impact
• Good Neighbors at https://www.nesterlygoodneighbors.com/frequently-asked-questions/ Provide phone calls, write letters, to those at-risk members of your community (do not need to be based in Boston to sign up)
• Goodwill at https://www.goodwill.org/blog/volunteer/build-your-career-by-volunteering-online/
• Operation Warm at https://www.operationwarm.org/blog/25-volunteer-jobs-to-do-from-home/
• Points of Light – All for Good at https://www.pointsoflight.org/all-for-good/
• United Nations Volunteering at https://www.onlinevolunteering.org/en
• Support our Troops with cards and letters at https://supportourtroops.org/cards-letters
• Upchieve (online tutoring) at https://upchieve.org/volunteer/
• Zooniverse (People Powered Research) at Zooniverse.org
• Volunteer Match at https://www.volunteermatch.org/search/virtual (includes such activities as Cards For Smiles)
• CareerVillage (1 hour of community service for answering 3 questions regarding education and/or careers, mostly to high school and college students) at CareerVillage.org
• Catch A Fire (assists non-profits) at http://catchafire.org
• DoSomething lists several opportunities at https://www.dosomething.org/us/articles/9-places-to-volunteer-online-and-make-a-real-impact
• Good Neighbors at https://www.nesterlygoodneighbors.com/frequently-asked-questions/ Provide phone calls, write letters, to those at-risk members of your community (do not need to be based in Boston to sign up)
• Goodwill at https://www.goodwill.org/blog/volunteer/build-your-career-by-volunteering-online/
• Operation Warm at https://www.operationwarm.org/blog/25-volunteer-jobs-to-do-from-home/
• Points of Light – All for Good at https://www.pointsoflight.org/all-for-good/
• United Nations Volunteering at https://www.onlinevolunteering.org/en
• Support our Troops with cards and letters at https://supportourtroops.org/cards-letters
• Upchieve (online tutoring) at https://upchieve.org/volunteer/
• Zooniverse (People Powered Research) at Zooniverse.org
Maryann’s Answer
Hello Zemira!
Extracurricular activities include activities that include art, athletics, clubs, personal pursuits, and employment. Although it may be difficult finding volunteer work at this time, check with your community and township home page. If sports is your thing, the sports department may need volunteers for the kids soccer program, or they may be looking for residents to help clean up a stream or park. Both are outdoors, and might not be cancelled due to Covid.
Colleges look for activities that show students have developed talents, leadership skills, and ways you were involved in your community. It shows you are responsible, reliable, and took opportunity to make an impact.
Colleges also understand that not all students have the luxury or time to pursue extracurricular activities because they are working to help support the family, or they are taking care of younger siblings. Reflect on what you have learned from these non traditional experiences and how it also can be valuable for college. Time management skills, balancing school work with other commitments, resiliency, and maturity.
Lastly, quality is more important than quantity. Do something that interests you, something that is helping you develop your talents and passions. What you do is not as important as why and how you are doing it! Ask yourself, what does this activity tell colleges about me?
Extracurricular activities include activities that include art, athletics, clubs, personal pursuits, and employment. Although it may be difficult finding volunteer work at this time, check with your community and township home page. If sports is your thing, the sports department may need volunteers for the kids soccer program, or they may be looking for residents to help clean up a stream or park. Both are outdoors, and might not be cancelled due to Covid.
Colleges look for activities that show students have developed talents, leadership skills, and ways you were involved in your community. It shows you are responsible, reliable, and took opportunity to make an impact.
Colleges also understand that not all students have the luxury or time to pursue extracurricular activities because they are working to help support the family, or they are taking care of younger siblings. Reflect on what you have learned from these non traditional experiences and how it also can be valuable for college. Time management skills, balancing school work with other commitments, resiliency, and maturity.
Lastly, quality is more important than quantity. Do something that interests you, something that is helping you develop your talents and passions. What you do is not as important as why and how you are doing it! Ask yourself, what does this activity tell colleges about me?
Tom’s Answer
Excellent question Zemira. At the school any clubs or organizations you join are good, maybe start a new group or organization there. That shows leadership on a college application. Outside of school, if you can it's always helpful to show you had some 'experience' in a field of interest to you. What I mean is that even if you volunteered at a veterinarian clinic that counts as experience. Now here's another slant on this. Find something of significant interest to you and find ways to volunteer there BUT with an understanding you want to be in charge of something at that volunteer place. Here's why. Colleges (and future employers) LOVE to see things you actually accomplished. SOoooooo.....you volunteer someplace to be their "high school representative", or maybe to head up some portion of a program they do. THEN you can say "I was in charge of recruiting others to help register voters". (Or what ever the group did) That kind of thing. Again, initiative and leadership. Strong qualities. Good luck. I'm sure you'll do well.