2 answers
how do you deal with losing a bond with a patient as a hospice nurse?
#hospice #nursing #nurse
2 answers
Kelly’s Answer
I loved being a hospice nurse bit that was one of the downfalls of the position. Getting close to patients and feeling hurt when they pass. I don't believe it is a bad thing to become attached to patients and their families as long as a professional boundary remains in place. You also have to have an outlet and coping skills for when they do pass. It is important to be there for your patients but you must always remeber to take care of yourself. Hope this helps!
Volunteer with a hospice organization to see how you handle the experience.
Kelly recommends the following next steps:
Jimavis’s Answer
Hospice can be difficult but so rewarding. It is so easy to get attached to the patients. As a nurse, I think its important to have a balance. In saying this you do your best not to get too close to the patients. Going into hospice, you have to understand that these patients are terminal. As you provide the best care and be there for them, you have to understand that the end is near for them. If this is a personal question and you have already become attached try to find a brighter side of losing them. They are now free from all pain and discomfort. I hope this is helpful and answers your question.
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