4 answers
4 answers
Terence’s Answer
If you are targeting full time jobs after college, I would start with the resources at your career center. As a freshman, you'll have time to build up some experience with part time jobs on or off campus. Summer internships are a good spot to begin as they would give you exposure to a job and industry after you graduate. Some internships even lead to full time job offers if they are setup that way. Larger companies offer internships to pre-grads so that they can give exposure to the interns and also potentially sway the interns to join fulltime after graduation. I would further suggest talking and looking for jobs/internships across multiple places, this way, you get a good feel for different options.
Keep in mind, in a lot of industries, the competition is high for top talent. You should be scrutinizing the companies as much as they are being selective about candidates. Combining a strong academic record with a good showing at an internship can lead to a full time job offer, or even multiple ones.
Good luck.
Work with your career center on campus
Talk, talk, talk - to career advisors, people in the jobs you're interested in, people that've recently graduated
Target a few internships, especially your sophomore, junior, and senior years
Remember that the companies are also in a battle for top talent
Keep in mind, in a lot of industries, the competition is high for top talent. You should be scrutinizing the companies as much as they are being selective about candidates. Combining a strong academic record with a good showing at an internship can lead to a full time job offer, or even multiple ones.
Good luck.
Terence recommends the following next steps:
Hammdy’s Answer
Arham, please consider and double-check if your visa/residency status allows you to work in the U.S
Check visa/residency status and work eligibility
Reach out to the university for student jobs
Hammdy recommends the following next steps:
Thomas’s Answer
Hi Arham,
There are plenty of openings still. Many restaurants and stores are hiring. I would do a Google search in your local area for jobs that are hiring now. You could also ask your career office at your school. Many companies are also offering virtual internships that you can do from anywhere.
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=jobs+in+los+angeles+hiring+now&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS931US931&oq=jobs+in+los+&aqs=chrome.3.0i433j69i57j0l8.13903j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&ibp=htl;jobs&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0jZCR7MHuAhWWG80KHSO0AvUQudcGKAJ6BAgFECg&sxsrf=ALeKk0368A69rHsZ9o2Oaoz2k0vDr0pztw:1611947433011#htivrt=jobs&htidocid=0Wz5QQvy5wYkCswxAAAAAA%3D%3D&fpstate=tldetail
There are plenty of openings still. Many restaurants and stores are hiring. I would do a Google search in your local area for jobs that are hiring now. You could also ask your career office at your school. Many companies are also offering virtual internships that you can do from anywhere.
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=jobs+in+los+angeles+hiring+now&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS931US931&oq=jobs+in+los+&aqs=chrome.3.0i433j69i57j0l8.13903j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&ibp=htl;jobs&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0jZCR7MHuAhWWG80KHSO0AvUQudcGKAJ6BAgFECg&sxsrf=ALeKk0368A69rHsZ9o2Oaoz2k0vDr0pztw:1611947433011#htivrt=jobs&htidocid=0Wz5QQvy5wYkCswxAAAAAA%3D%3D&fpstate=tldetail
Nathaniel’s Answer
Hi Arham,
It's great that you are already thinking about employment as an international freshman. Due to your visa status, I'm pretty sure that you are currently only able to work jobs on campus during the school year that don't relate to your major.
When it comes to landing an internship in the summer or even a full-time job upon graduation, you need to start researching what companies are still actively hiring international students. Sometimes, the right thing to do could be reconsidering what you are going to major in. Unfortunately, as an international student, it is easier to get a job in some fields compared to others. The great news about this is that you are still a freshman and have a lot of time to change your mind.
Seek guidance from your college's career counselor and from your upperclassmen, specifically those who are international students as well. Also, start building a network with recruiters that come to your campus early on! I can't emphasize enough how my upperclassmen and recruiters have helped me through the process of looking for an internship/job, even during this pandemic!
Hope this helps!
It's great that you are already thinking about employment as an international freshman. Due to your visa status, I'm pretty sure that you are currently only able to work jobs on campus during the school year that don't relate to your major.
When it comes to landing an internship in the summer or even a full-time job upon graduation, you need to start researching what companies are still actively hiring international students. Sometimes, the right thing to do could be reconsidering what you are going to major in. Unfortunately, as an international student, it is easier to get a job in some fields compared to others. The great news about this is that you are still a freshman and have a lot of time to change your mind.
Seek guidance from your college's career counselor and from your upperclassmen, specifically those who are international students as well. Also, start building a network with recruiters that come to your campus early on! I can't emphasize enough how my upperclassmen and recruiters have helped me through the process of looking for an internship/job, even during this pandemic!
Hope this helps!